The chapter I'm working on right now has a very touchy scene, I've been told I should write it but no one can give me a clear indication of how vicerel and open I should write it, or should I leave it more symbolic. I am just not sure. I'd like it to be edgy a bit, but don't want to turn off readers, but I don't want to cheat and steal the power from the moment so that the emotional pay off later is less fulfilling.
The writer in me says be honest, hit it like a baseball bat, we all have to travel though the dark to get the light, and the resulting light is worth it I think, and for the characters to be truly broken, and need healing, they have to have passed through some heavy darkness. What's a greater hall mark of a writer, to be willing to go into the darkness with thier characters no matter where that takes them, or say the same things with more subtlety and hope the readers imagination will distill from that the horror of the moments? I guess we'll see, I think I have a few more friends to talk to before I finalize the next chapter.
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