"What the hell is that", first officer Den-dri stated, watching the ever-changing colors on the screen before him. "Patch it to the mains", captain Eleibeth ordered. Suddenly the wall began to mutate becoming translucent, as lights and colors began to dance and glow, forming into rapid patterns, slowly morphing into codes of letters, numbers, and symbols rippling faster than the eye can see. The room surrounded by screens and consoles manned by a group of people that looked very little in difference between individuals you might find in a bar on any night in any com-sat station in the universe. Nobody wore uniforms, why would they this far out into the fringe. The room was suddenly filled with a loud squealing noise.
"Whats that noise, put it through the translators, and see if you can get anything out of that screen". "Sorry captain, its a signal from a hyper-spatial anomaly about 100 quads ahead of us, the computer is analyzing it now", said Den-dry. Josephus, the ships engineer, and sometimes science office spoke up, though he rarely said anything much, "The A.I. is down again". Joe Joe, as the crew called him had grown up on a fringe world, where they still believed in God, and didn't use technology. He still struggled with his choice of leaving his home world, but after working on the commercial satellite space station in orbit around his planet which processed the rare hand made knick-knacks, and agribusiness his world needed to survive so far out on the fringe.
All of the rim worlds lived in constant fear of the unknown, once you crossed the veil, and left the core worlds, you left the big space-lines behind, much like traveling out in what they called rural areas, on old Terra, at least thats what he'd been told, nobody knew much about Terra now days, after Sol went supernova only the colony worlds survived. Nobody talked much about those days. Seems humans didn't think much, though he'd seen some of the old Terrane art, and heard some of the music, and he wondered how they could create such beauty if they were as stupid as people said they were. It was a sorta joke, that old terrane's put screen doors on sub-marines whatever that meant. Guess it's an example of their short sightedness. Though his family said it was gods just punishment that terra was taken back. According to the pries-tens of his world, they said Terra was a world of beauty and prosperity, but man's evil caused God to take back what he had given. JoJo didn't know, and he didn't really care.
"A. I. Will be back up soon", he said, he had found he had an instinctive understanding of technology, and could communicate with AI systems better than people, maybe because they didn't expect anything from you that wasn't pretty clear up front, not like people. Sparks flew from a panel a short distance from him. As he walked over he looked around what was lovingly referred to as the bridge. The crew, about six people on a standard rotation were, well a motley crew at best. Captain Eleibeth, looked like a girl next door. She had started in the engine room of one of those big capital ships, after the cataclysm she decided the core wasn't for her and resigned.
Den-dri was a fun guy, and could he drink, well he could do just about anything, he came from an edge world, where humanity was eugenically modified to survive there, but he could be trusted. It was hard to earn his trust, so many thought he was brusk, but that was mostly because he was never sure of people. Most citizens weren't really comfortable around EG's. There were always other worlds, why loose your humanity to eek out a living on an inhospitable world. JoJo had grown up an alien on his own world, his people didn't leave their planet, or go into the sciences, so he had a lot of similar experiences as Den had gone through.
Jendri Ferris was hot, very hot, it made him uncomfortable, those feelings. She was the ships ambassador, and liaison to the Capitol. Coming from a core world she had the best med-staff available, so she was eugenically perfect. What upset her was everyone underestimated her. They tended to treat her like a child, when she was very smart, another thing he was familiar with. Doctor Quince, a cephlapodia, having evolved from a cuttlefish like race took some getting used to, but he was well educated in the core, having come from a powerful family. He was a great doctor, well he had great bedside manner, but sometimes he'd connect up to something and was stuck to it despite the evidence.
Lastly was Aery, the AI, amazing, brilliant, but in some ways the most human of the crew. Everyone on board had their reason for being on the ship, most had suffered one way or another, but they had become family over the last few missions. Pulling the panel free he could see where multiple crystals had burned out, so he began pulling the cracked broken structures out of their ports, and after replacing them in their three tiered lattice, the laser portage activated, blinked a few times as the system reset, and lit up.
Aery's voice broke the silence,"signal has been calibrated, the computer is insufficient to process, but their is a sidereal signal, I'm processing now, JoJo would you like me to run this program in a closed loop system". JoJo looked to the captain, "well what do you think, if it's safe do it, start a trace and do a astrometric scan of the source, I want to know everything, while your at it mute that damn screeching". People began to move towards their panels, most people didn't need them, almost everyone on the ship had wireless neurotrophic implants, but JoJo had to use a device called a torc, after some old Terran jewelry, he used to feel out of place but Den-dri needed one too.
Most of them had tablets as well, they hadn't had those on his world. So this strange group was the crew of the Avalon. Not a new ship, but in its time it was the best, corvette class, it was fast and maneuverable, with basic weapons. When the captain got it she had it retrofitted with the best computing power and stealth technologies. Basically they were a courier ship, but their real financing came from transporting highly classified information, to crucial to be trusted to even the most secure tachyon encryption. A little blackmail helped go along way too. The captain had a slogan, "in the darkness of space evil thrives, make it pay". Coming from the Capitol she knew a lot, in fact everyone who came from inner system worlds understood there where a lot of secrets going around, and the crew of the Avalon could be trusted with their secrets for a price.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Scions of the Original 12 : Legacy
I'm not going to go all long and deep into this, it's more a relent point of fact, which needs to be understood. Genetics have been looking into a lot of area, and one strange thing that's appeared is the reality, which is scientifically proven, we are all related, looking at our mitochondrial DNA, the one passed on through our mothers shows were all related to a group of twelve individuals, that's it, 12. Every person on the planet is related through those twelve people, our ancestors, our forbears. We the scions of their legacy of exploration, and curiosity are linked, this is proven fact. So in the light of this truly terrifying reality don't we need to change the way we live our lives? This world is populated by our relatives. You are my brother, my sister, my uncle, my aunt, my niece, my nephew, however it works we're family, and the more we learn about genetics, and genealogy it's going to become even more clear. You know my genetic history said I was part Japanese, part northern African, probably Egyptian but I just got a brief they haven't finished the whole thing yet, I get regular updates as they continue to analyze the information stored on that qtip I rubbed on my cheek, guess what to my surprise, as I got into geneology on ancestry.com? They were right I found documents gong back to Japan on my paternal grandfathers side of the family. You see I'm 50% Portuguese, turns out we were big in travel back in the day, and turns out my ancestors really did have a lady in every port. So who knows maybe someday I'll find out what's up with the north African, or the native American on my moms side of the family. All I know is to me this validates we really are all related, so why can't we act like it, let's have a family get together and celebrate, we can call it earth day.
A Tale of Ism's
Ism's, racism, sexism, ageism, elitism, classism and all the rest. Always it's us versus them, fear of the other, but why? Why is unity so hard to come by, so often I hear people say, I believe people at heart are really good. If we're really good why can't we accept each other, choice, the heart of each of us is choice, do we choose unity or ourselves? Some of these I think are easier to understand than others. When your a product of wealth, old or new, you tend to grow up in a very enclavish enviorment. I recently watched an episode of Bristol pallins show and hearing her say she'd never heard of skid row, watched her use every means of manipulation to coerce her sister, even calling mommy, who said bassicly woman up and tell her you need her, which wasn't recieved well so she hung up on mommy. Listening to her talk about mansions and Mercedes was just sickening when you contrast that with her obscene ignorance. Education, basic education doesn't seem to be a high priority in the pallin household, though I'm not speaking about her politics at all. I can understand the enviormental education of class, wealth, and opportunity, but it's wasted without the education to use it. Yet the educated seem to believe they are better because they had that opportunity to learn, but here I'm going to make a strange comparison, marriage, you commit to live your life with another person, what's a piece of paper really mean in that agreement? Their in fact is none, it changes nothing inside the relationship, unless you let it. So education, if I study and read every text book my fiancé has, in actuality I read more material about her graduate field than she did, just as I read all the forensics, anthropology, criminalistics, and Mayan history and mythology of my ex. When she had papers, tests, or homework she'd come to me, I'd already read her whole text book, she read the assigned texts. She got a degree, I got the knowledge, but who knows more about forensic anthropology and criminology? I do. Not only did I read her text books but I got interested and read other books, not required by class but suggested reading, which had information from other books, so I'd use the bibliography to find and read those books. Over the years I've been fascinated by any number of fields which I studied just as voraciously, so whose education matters? The person with the paper! Whose marriage is legel, the one with the paper. Guess what though, say we have our commitment ceremony, we sign medical and durable power of attorneys, she changes her name, now what? In everything but name only were married, and by the definition in the dictionary we are married, even without the name change or legel papers! I'm drifting off topic though, I can understand some of these, even if I don't agree, but sexism, or racism, ageism? These make no sense at all, every race, sex, age, religion or level of education or intellect are all just surface differences each with their liabilities and gifts, take them away and we still have the same situation, diffrent people with strengths and weakness's. Truly we need to learn that it's not the differences which are only skin deep, but the things which make us the same, which go bone that end up being important, I am another yourself. Think about that next time you cross the street, or you look with pity or outrage at the homeless, the next time you hear men are cheating pigs, and woman are prude ice queens, or loose and disposable, none of these things or any of the rest are true, their just part of judging the world through the cyclopian eye of the ism.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Good and Evil through Gods eye or Ours?
Good things, great things, oh what a blessing, or god was looking out for you, but when bad things happen, OMG where's Murphy it's all his fault, or some like me believe it's our failing as humanity has failed as stewards of our world, and tragically, most parents, if there involved at all don't teach critical thinking, or decision making skills, it's very much as long as you live under my roof... To well do I remember going to the grocery store and realizing I just worked a hard hour for this box of cereal, or that gallon of gas. I remember to well my own hand clearing the clogged toilet after a guests kids where over, or the clogged garbage disposal or plunging the toilet and thinking what am I doing, this is my dad's job, not mine. Oh yeah damn it's my job now, so guess what, I plunged away. I was there when my better half went through these moments, when the shower ran over, and she pulled the drain cover off, and there was so much gross disgusting hair, moving on its own, speaking to me in a language I'm unfamiliar with but found it similar to the one spoken by the moldy jello shooters I forgot in the freezer, and a smell the seventh layer of hell uses as a room deodorizer, well she had her moment having to clean that living breathing bezoar from the shower, a lot of us are not prepared to be caretakers, but we've been taught what we need to do to make money, if we're lucky. I grew up in what I call the lost generation, you work for you job, retire, house, white picket fence, dogs and cats, a few kids, oh and a spouse helps, to me gender is irrelevant if a man or a woman hooks up with the same gender swell, if I suffer under the burden and wonder of marriage so should you, but that's another post I think, anyway that's not the world we live in now, but back to the point, all good things come from the grace of god, but evil, well if Murphy didn't do it, humans or the devil did, so we're back to how can a loving god allow evil, free agency doesn't cut it, because good is still gods province, not 1% inspiration {the breath of god} and 99% perspiration, seems like that's damn near blasphemy doesn't it? So where do these things really stand, who should get the check in the end, and does it really depend on if you order good or evil? What if the waiter doesn't deliver what you ordered? I've done many things in life I completely believed was the right thing, if not a lesser evil, but the punishment remains the same... So who pays the bill in the end? If you get a great new job offer is it gods grace, or your a hard working person whose value has been recognized? Ie the 99% perspiration or the 1% inspiration? You take the job, they hit hard times, last hired, first fired, wow was that Murphy, the devil, or your failure for being last hired, can't blame god s/he got you the job in the first place right? So how does this work, I could quote theology, or some philosopher you've never heard of, but I'm just going to leave you with the question because I don't have the answer, and I'm not sure I want one....
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Dining with a tortured goose, finely now it's illegal
ok, the night of tortured geese is over, and it was wonderful, we started out with a nice amuse bouche of prosciutto, and crème fraiche, on a blini, compliments of the chef thank you very much, then rolls with fresh creamery butter, and a european cheese platter, with the most amazing dutch cheese, tasted slightly of apricots, really great, as well as the other standards like brie, camembert, and gruyere. We both ordered the duck confit with foie gras, which becomes illegal in California saturday, so there doing a brisk business. This came on a bed of stewed potatoes and onions, very very tasty, you quickly learn why its referred to as goose butter, and the duck was pull the bone out, melt in your mouth amazing. My dear love had a glass of Gewürztraminer while I had sprite, ok, I got a few looks but I don't drink much, truly spectacular dinner. For dessert she had a triple chocolate mousse, white, milk and dark chocolate layers, and I had a macaroon platter of mixed flavors, coffee, chocolate / caramel, pistachio, raspberry, and classic, which was almost like whipped cream. We both had glasses of twenty year old port, wow, did it have kick, but went from a burst of bright plum to a sweet soft light prune flavor. All this for only 160$ with tip, not bad considering its soon to be illegal, so for now never again in the state of california can you eat that delicacy called foie gras, or as I call it the bulimic goose who forgot to purge.
The beginning of structuring and formulating my genetic Disertation
Genetic nanotechnology combines non-standard polygenic modifications with self-structuring cohesion to build polyhedral objects, topological morphology, nano-mechanical constructs, and both crystalline and aperiodic arrays. The goal of genetic nanotechnology is modification of the structure of matter on the finest possible scale. Applications are expected to expected to impact the areas of X-ray crystallography, nano-electronics, nano-robotics, and DNA-based quantum computation. Nano-genetics and its close molecular relatives seem to be well crafted for these designs. This blog and the dissertation behind it covers the generation of new DNA motifs, abstract methods of design, and manufacture, (synthesis, hybridization, phosphorylation, ligation), as well as a multitude of methodologies for characterization of designs, creations, and matrices. Genetic nanotechnology as a tool in biochemistry, bio-medicines, theoretical and particle physics, nano-materials, nano-engineering, as well as genetic crypto-graphics.
Holocaust of Humanity
Holocaust of humanity or Nazi dreams of futures past.
Tear-filled eyes once childishly naïve,
lonely gaunt faces drained of all hope,
bloody hands grip forever tightly,
Tear-dewed iron razor wire as far as the eye can see. Parents, family, friends, and dreams,
bulldozed together into unmarked graves.
All things stolen by heartless thieves.
Gas or gun, both means to an end.
Smoke to heaven for the race war to win.
Black stench cloud envelopes diaphanous skies.
We are they and they are I, for they were human as are we.
Eichmann's sins are shared.
Hate encroaches, eternal haunting, ever waking daydreams forever.
All sleep is broken by these nightmare sins.
Bone thin children die alone.
Fleeting glimmers of fading hope.
Never cry or even bother to scream for Nazi metal will come to seek.
Some will never be allowed heavens peace.
As the skin of fellow humans shade bright lights of Nazi libraries.
Can we forgive these deeds of blood?
Change our ways so it can be undone?
Never again should we see the branded flesh of a child skin.
Eternal black sepia numbers exchanged for spinning dreidel games,
Let the nightmares end, and the dreams of hope... and reconciliation begin...
Americas got talent, what would you do?
America's got talent, interesting show, but what would you do, do you have a million dollar talent? Does a guy being kicked in the privates or being shot out of a cannon qualify? Do the judges pick acts they like not that they think America will like? I've found some of the more gory/dangerous stunts get shunted aside because some cute kid is cute but can't really sing, I find this cruel, you send this 8 year old forward knowing they'll never compete against professionals and the insipid argument look how far you made it doesn't float, it's what I find wrong with toddlers and tieras, these mostly young girls, and the few boys being given mountain dew, and pixie dust to keep them going as their being told beauty is painful, and jack your hair up to Jesus is insane. Whenever these girls loose for usually the most arbitrary of reasons they just wernt good enough, they failed. So what is a million dollar act and how many get sent home because the judges are playing favorites, when the guy who gets kicked in the privates makes it past the opera singing marylyn Manson, whose never sung in front of anyone before, well the systems flawed. When you have an a$$ hole like stearn saying he's Americas judge because he's the king of all media, well jerkoff your not my judge, Sharon comes closest to judging the way I would even if she is squeamish for being the wife of ozzy, she certainly can't handle the carney stuff. If cirque was doing some of these acts you'd pay hundreds, because their "nobodies" the act is crazy, have you seen cirque? It looks like an acid trip, beautiful and won't turn you into a zombie, I think, but acid trip still. So what is a million dollar act, and is peagants turning kids into the next generation of spoiled helpless Americans expecting everything to be handed to them because that's what's right they deserve it! WAKE UP! We all have gifts, music, writing, mental acuity, beauty, but there all even you can sing, I'm smart, she's beautiful, he's funny, she's strong, we're all gifted, we're all even, I'm not better than you because I'm smarter than you, youre no better than me because your more attractive, why do you think you are, right the media, and the people have spoken, umm there wrong, and when your looks have faded and all that's left us memories, and pictures, I'll still be smart, WHAT? My minds going to go as I age hell, there it is agian, time, age, and death the ultimate equalizer, in the end we are all the same, the sooner we get that, the sooner we can figure out what a real million dollar talent is.
Mutants exist, no, really
"in 2001, up to thirty genericly altered babies were born and were healthy. Half of them were the result of an'experimental program at a U. S. laboratory". {Halal, William E., Michael D. Kull, and Ann Leffman, "emerging technologies: what's ahead for 2001-2030," the futurist, November 1998}. These kids were born and are the result of germ-line engineering. Scientists have confirmed that these kids, healthy and today are in school with your kids, carry genetic material which did not come from mother or father, and will be passed on to their own children, we are progressively moving towards new exotic atoms, and new genetic strains, which in a few years high school students will be able to create in school, and using viral vectors inject into their own or another's genome, some day kids could even be playing jokes on each other by slipping genetically altered vectors into each other as easily as they egg a house today, probably easier. So in brief what I think is amazing is for those living in fear of the unknown tommorow it's here, there are human made mutants living among us, and evolution has never stopped, you or I may be an x-men and not even know it, there here already, and if we're really what we eat, almost all food has been genetically modified, if your growing frost resistant food it contains the genetic material taken from a arctic fish whose blood possesses a ability to avoid freezing, they snipped it out, spliced it into our veggies which now can resist freezing, but for you vegans, your eating fish when you eat that tomato, so when we think about the future, and mutation remember its to late, that box pandora opened long ago, we can only hope to use it responsibly for the whole world, not just the wealthy or powerful, evolution doesn't care about your job, or your bank balance, all it cares about is survival of the species. Evolution can't be controlled or even guided it follows it's own path, we can just respect it, remember blonds with blue eyes are disappearing, there endangered, and scientists have said for years with the damage to the ozone we will need to find a way to increase our melenin to make us more resistant to solar damage. Did you catch that, increase our melenins, ie make our skin darker, so because of our treatment of the planet were all going to start darkening our skin, what will the racists do when they can't tell whose white, and whose not anymore, well lucky there always other minorities to be singled out right.... Is human unity so hard to think of? Until we get off this planet were all stuck here in prison together, and we're taking a dump in the pond we fish from literally, let's get along, and survive to see the future.
Will apple really pull the plug
Apple, the sources of rumors year after year, well this year one of the rumors is apple it's changing its charge port. Why? They've used the same port since the beggining of their modern era of windows-like operation, success after the switched business models from the free thinking, very much open system to the very much Microsoft like closed loop proprietary system coming out with a new clone every year, leading to their current success. The one thing remaining constant is how you charged your device, iPod, iPad, iPhone, nano, Ect. You name it, we all charged with the same cord, it became a standard, so no matter what apple product you got, or who you might be visiting I can use my friends iPhone charger for my apple gear, I can visit the in-laws and charge my iPad, iPhone or iPod with her nano charger, but boom, apple now wants to change the charger, why? What real reason could make this feasible? Instantly all the accessories, the speaker adapters, the clock radios, television adapters, power cables will all be useless, fodder for the garbage pile, why? All I can say is apple, please think twice about this, it's not reasonable, it's my honest opinion you will loose more customers than you could ever gain, the competition has caught up, and quickly moving to take the lead, and you make a statement that were just a commodity, we the apple users have your back, please don't sacrafice us, and yourself, that amazing company so ahead of its time with newtons and digital cameras before anyone, while today every household has some form of PDA, usually several, and digital cameras everywhere. The Wozniak, and Steve Jobs era have left a legacy for an amazing company don't try so hard to win, you become the dark side, it's a slippery slope, and your current company model is so close to that of windows, you may win, but at what cost, the soul of the apple founders, and our long term faith? I can just hope for once it's just a rumor!
Terrorism, eye of the beholder?
This blog is not meant to offend, but I expect it might be a tad controversial, so before we get deep, I don't advocate using terror to get your way, so please try to take this as a devils advocate type of thinking trying to process out loud certain events going on in our world, such as ecoterrorism, the 99%, retake wall street, and cyberterrorist among a few. Upfront I'll say I don't know enough to say much about this, but to me it seems terror could be considered the last weapon of the minority. I'm not a gun nut, espousing your "going to half to pry my super powered assault rifle with holographic night scope from my cold dead hands", but our founding fathers unequivocally knew with out a well armed militia, not a military force, or police agency, we could be taken over by a state unwilling to validate our personhood, this is happening, as the government seeks to pass laws allowing them access to our most private thoughts, and detain us as terrorists, which today has become meaning anyone disagreeing with the 1%. If your a student or educators realizing what's happened to the American dream, or econauts trying to protect the world from the savage rape and exploitation manifest destiny, and colonialism have advocated since the beggining, or a so called cyber terrorist because you know the truth about the hypocrisy our governments function under repressing one group well practicing that same lifestyle in secret. They want access to everything we do on the Internet, when they could never go through our mail in this way, so they watch our Internet activity and if the government doesn't like it they can class you a terrorist strip you of your rights and hold you indefinetly, if you try to protect the enviorment from big government and corrupt corparations your a evil tree hugging terrorist, yet venture capitalists can buy companies, pollute, run up their debt, bankrupt them, fire everyone and walk away millions richer, so who are we, a republic of people, a democratic nation or a corporate capitalist conglomerate, IDK, I just see a world very diffrent than the one I grew up in, so in sum I guess don't take this as an advocacy of terrorism, or blackmail, take it as questions from an unknown anonymous moral minority who doesn't belong to the righteous right wing zealots, that's not my god, but I'm not into the corporate wage slave programs either. I'm tired of feeling like a commodity to be used and exploited when every new toy comes out, only to be told I deserve to die because I can't afford health insurance, after some drunk crashed into me, I guess according to those who know that loving god directed that drunk to me, to take away my healthy body, because our loving god wants me to die slowly because I was born in America the land of the free and the home of the brave, what happened to my pursuit of happiness, or did I loose it because other silver spoons, hand me down millionaires are willing to step on others to pursue happiness, they win? How machivellion, hed be proud. Guess maybe it should read pursuit of happiness if you have the moral willingness to step on those in front of you, and your a legacy, by all means step away, just quite telling me your doing it for my own good, we don't live in a nanny nation. Anyway I invite comments, but remember this is really just thinking out loud on what's going on in the media and the world.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Comments update!
I was shown part of the comment problem, I had the settings screwed up, my bad, so hopefully you will find commenting much easier thank you so much for your patience, and encouragement, I appreciate your spending your time with me, I hope you feel it was time well spent, and hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing it.
Movie Soundtracks
Movie soundtracks, great for a movie, I've been educated that there's a really important reason for soundtracks, my love, a theater major graduate and one of my best friends a film grad have explained sound tracks do two major things one they can be traced back to at least to Greek theater where they where called a chorus, first they give us a background of the world/enviorment where watching and they represent our (the viewers) thoughts and feelings, cueing us on how to feel and think about what where seeing, and preparing for what is coming, think about jaws or Halloween and replace that heartbeat syncopated rhythm with a jazzy uptempo music and a tense moment becomes amusing, even funny, strangely though it's musical construct has strange effects like discordant off-tone keys instead of chords makes us feel uncomfortable, and it's what made the original chain saw massacre so terrifying, it had no soundtrack, possibly the first of its kind. We had no sub-Liminal cues on what to base our feelings, just screams, chainsaws, and roaring cars, mixed with the raw lonely empty sounds of nature, this created panic in many people. That being said what makes a good soundtrack to listen to? I have and listen to regularly the soundtracks to the lord of the rings, Harry potter, avatar and tron are two favorites, and avengers is growing on me. So why do we listen to movie soundtracks, to remind us of those moments in the movie? Similer moments in our lives, or do we attach our own meanings to the music? Just something to think about next time your watching a movie, that soundtrack was carefully crafted and blended to have an effect, if it's a movie, a TV series, or whatever. So listen carefully to the music next time you watch a movie and hear that sweeping up tilt in the music as Harry rides the flying griffon the first time, and the music rises in a hallelujah moment as he sweeps down and it's claw touches the water and enjoy, someone took a lot of time to create that moment which most people will never notice overtly. So which soundtracks do you listen to, I love queen of the damned with its great songs as much as animatrix with its great techno driven beats, what do you like and why? What do these albums mean to you?
Missed out on the tortured goose
For those of you who might not know f - gras is becoming illegal in california Friday, so we invited the inlaws to go out to a nice dinner, after the usual drama we decided to go with out them, then turns out there out, now what, well turns out they get their last order Thursday so guess what I'm doing Thursday at 7:30, yep tortured goose, but last night wasn't an epic fail, my buddy came over and we hung out and caught up, talked, great night so now it's bedtime so it may be a little while before I get my blogs out but I have sixteen plus I'm working on I hope you'll enjoy, and way cool we should have wifi by this weekend and next week two managers of my satellite company will be coming out to fix everything and set it up so I get whole house HDTV with Netflix and tv apps like face book, and more including controlling the system with a iPad app, wicked cool, time with friends and wifi and tv on demand ohmy did I get my DVR fix
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Loss of a friend and faith
Recently a family friend of ours passed away totally unexpectedly, he always seemed as tough as an old war horse, I feel for his family, and I already miss his overly hard banging, um knocking on the door, I always knew when it was him only police knock that hard, but I cant help wondering is he happy, did he find what he was expecting? I wish I knew, but I guess faith wouldn't be faith anymore, if it was that easy. I hope and pray he found what he was looking for, and peace for his family I know what it's like loosing an absentee father, I can't imagine loosing a loving dad, and frankly I don't want to find out.
My heart goes out to his family, his amazing wife, his kids and his grand kids who I wish they could have had the time to get to know their grandfather better! For all his tough exterior he was a kind and gentle man.
Trying to build a list of my library
Between my books, movies, and CD's I found a great program, I just can't figure out how to share it.
Today may be slow but coming up...
I'm trying to figure out how to post a partial list of my library I'm working on, and posts on my beliefs, AGT, government control of the Internet, mermaids, comics, and childrens shows, parental infalbity, is the universe a living thinking quantum computer? Legal monopolies, Apple, and what ever happened with the satellite company, but after dealing with said company, tommorow is my hunnies day off so were eating with her parents, while coping with raccoons nesting in the hot water cabinet, after today my body is ruined, but if I can't get to the good Stuff tommorow I'll get to it Wednesday promise, going to try to sleep now, night all! PS if you know how to post my library list please let me know, I'd like to share it, limited as the list is, maybe that's another post building my library....In short I have about twenty blogs to share, I just need the time to type up the thoughts to share with you, if there's any request on what comes first let me know.
Monday, June 25, 2012
I'm asking for your help
One of my papers is based on media and it's proliferation, so my request is please pass on my blog to anyone in other countries, I would like to use the stats in my paper to show how many nations a single person could reach with basic media and compare those results to how far of a reach your basic local news paper, major newspaper, networks, websites Ect can reach. It would be awsome if I can show a single persons voice can reach around the globe with the same ease as any other media, showing people have a voice in the world if the choose to use it, I can only do this with the help of the social community, either way it will be a great experiment, either I'm right and we still have a voice or I'm wrong, and big media will always win, anyway thanks for your help, I look forward to seeing what will happen, just so you know I've gotten hits from Germany, brazil, Malaysia, France, and a few other countries already soothe data is already coming in from stage one now it's time for stage two, pass it on, thanks agian.
Polling the people
As part of my dissertation for school I need to do two research projects based on polls of the people, the larger the pool the better data I a can get but I'm sort of floating here, if you have any thoughts about what questions to ask, and how to get them out there I would love to hear them I am stumped.
Crying: Totatly unnatural (it's true)
Crying, I've heard something really interesting tears have evolved to simply moisten the eye ball, there is no psyiological reason to cry, so how's it happen? Is it a evolutionary mutation, could some people literally be unable to cry? Why does this psyiological response occur based on mostly psychological situations? My totally unscientific un researched thought is if it's not a natural function, when the first person cried did it invoke some visceral response which was seen as special, ergo they were protected, and as time and genetic evolution passed our protective urge, and crying itself became a part of the societal pattern? We know that the genes leading to survival tended to make it into the next generations, those that failed haven't made it into our genome as a dominant factor. IDk but if know anything about this or theory making sense of this please post, I'd love to include people thoughts on this in my dissertation.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Divergent Insurgent all new hunger games
Finished reading the first two books, divergent, and insurgent by Veronica Roth, very hunger games with a twist, I enjoyed the books from page one as a commentary on societies, hers being made up of factions, the dauntless who espouse bravery, and believe society failed because of cowardice, the abnegation who believe in selflessness and believe society's fall occurred because of greed and selfishness, the candor who believe in honesty and truth believing deception destroyed us, amity who believe in non-violence and friendships and finely the erudite, the ones seeing knowledge and information who believe ignorance brought about our downfall, the books are bassicly about the transformation of Beatrice the daughter of an abnegation family as she chooses to join the dauntless on her birthday, as she struggles to adjust to the faction differences between that of her youth, and her new family, if she survives the initiation process. Through out this we learn quickly that she is something called divergent, the boogyman of her society, which if discovered will mean her death. So through the books we, with triss, her new dauntless name seeks to survive initiation, while trying to learn the ever more dangerous secret of divergence, which we learn some of in book two where we learn of a possible secret which could save or destroy their entire society, which now she must choose to try to discover, or remain loyal to her faction. Now I wait for the last book which will answer all our questions, and tie up all the loose ends, in brief add Harry potter with hunger games and you have this series, in fairness the second book I read in one sitting, it was pretty good, once I got into the first it wasn't bad, considering so much exposition was needed, but that's a book for you, if you liked hunger games enjoy, if you like psychology enjoy, basicly I hope you enjoy them as much as I did, and they are available on kindle.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Who am I : Profile
Ok who am I, this has been a strange one because it hinges on seeming narcissism but here we go, some of this comes from my life experience, other stuff like personality, psychology, and intelligence comes from the battery of testing I went through in my process to the priesthood. I've always felt I've been born during the wrong time I've been fascinated by the mind, and imagination my entire life. I've especially been intrigued by those things we don't know the answers to. I grew up believing adults knew the answers to everything, then I saw a show called in search of hosted by leonard nemoy many years ago, combine that with my interest in sci-fi and fantasy and I was hooked, especially by the early anime that could be stumbled upon back in the early 70's. I've studied the occult, science, majick, vampires, cryogenics, you name it. If it was on in search of, and they said people didn't know I wanted to. So the theory of everything, martial arts, chaos theory, genetics, as well as the occult, psionics became like a drug, any new field I came across I studied, until it was memorized then I'd move on to the next. I've lost track of the styles of martial arts I've studied, the different religions, the different philosophies and the diffrent weapons I've learned to use. My martial skills are a bit limited today, and I can't use many of the two handed weapons like I could before, but fencing, my sword forms, well the style has changed I've had to learn new more defensive styles because of my lack of movement but adapt or die right? Over the years friends have taught me to use midi to make music since playing the harp, or the keyboard is nearly impossible with the atrophy and spasms of my left side, and those and other friends have taught me to do graphic art, so I can add music and art to my writing and poetry. According to the testing my average IQ is 185, over 200 in some things, about 145 in others but things being relevant, math is not my friend, so much of my school now, for work is focused on math and the sciences as well as philosophy, and all the strange fields under its unwieldy auspices. My 3d spatial thinking is off the charts, and according to the tests the me you see, is the me I see, and for the most the same me under duress. Their are a few points of deviation on that test but I guess as much as psych tests can tell I am very much "what you see is what you get". For more about the whole personality - INTJ thing you can find it in another post. I had planned on going into the police force, but then the accident happened, that lead to a dark angry period in my life, I'm still trying to clean up the wreakege of that, I lost pretty much my whole family and all of my friends, which lead deeper into pain meds and hurtful actions, it wasn't until my arrogance led to me hitting rock bottom did I have my "conversion experience" and I realized much of what I was doing, and had done. I might tell that story at some point, I don't go there often. I made big changes after that which has led to me today, but seeing as this story leads to the first meeting between myself and my love that's going to be another post. So as I sit here surrounded by my library collected over a lifetime, lol with the collected works of more writers and subjects than is easily imagined, their are literally books in rows, stacked on top of each other, in the bed room, the library, the living room, even the bathroom has not only its shelves of books, but three cabinets of more books, the living room entertainment center even has a hidden pull out full of books I don't want people to know I have, like my star wars books, star trek books, Babylon five, even some movie adaptations like Titan A. E., Dungeons and Dragons, chronicles of riddick, and a lot more in this vein as well plus my Mercedes Leckey, Anne Bishop, Judy Blume, and other writers perceived by the book nazi's as books for girls. Anyway that's enough narcissism for now if I missed anything let me know, I'll be happy to update it.
Woman in Hip Hop
Is it ok for woman to be singing songs exaggerating whips and chains, And no means yes and then are shocked when people get hurt? I am more than a little ambivalent when I see how women are not just portrayed, but portray themselves in some videos, it seems to me sending mixed signals about woman being strong but still just sex objects to be used and discarded, it could be said that a lot of these songs advocate violent sex acts with women regardless of what they want, seeming to imply its ok. I had the same problem with NWA advocating going out and killing police officers a few years ago. Understandably I am white, well half Portuguese but growing up I wasn't white enough to be white, and not minority enough to hang with them, so I can't understand what it means to be African-American today or any day, but as a human being I wouldn't want anyone doing to me much of what I hear in a lot of these songs, and can't imagine any woman would. The fact that women are now singing these songs, seemingly giving their validation to these acts scares me, some guys need little or no encouragment when it comes to sexual abuse or violence, can it be a good thing, idk, I guess I just wish people who have influence would use it in a positive way, and maybe this is just my lack of understanding the nuance of another culture instead of just looking like their selling sex appeal and male domination fantasies to make a quick buck, I hope it is just my ignorance, that I can change, if it's not, then it's a terrible thing to be selling out your mothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, and daughters for a few shillings.
Comparentalizaton Activated
Something interesting is happening at work, we've been compartmentalzed, assessing only the data we've been given, so what does that mean, for one they don't want us talking and sharing what were working on, the shop talk is this means something big is coming down the pipeline, even if I knew for sure I couldn't say, my ND prevents it but suffice it to say working is hair raising busy, and I'm waiting with held breath for what's coming around the corner. Lol I just hope it's not a false alarm, I guess their have been a few in the past but hopefully well have something new to chat about soon!
INTJ thinkers and feelers
Who am I, in the many personality test I took in my process to the priesthood, my personality was classified as a INTJ, this probably is unfamailer to many people but everyone and I mean everyone breaks down into this list somewhere. Each letter I/E, N/S, T/F, J/P; so not to get to complicated but basicly there's a range between each letter, so taking the first one I'm a extreme I, or introvert, the E is for extrovert, I'm going to assume that these are self explanatory but in brief I like my small group of friends and being around a large group of people drains me, exo's are the opposite their social butterfly's loving to be around people, and struggle in small groups, feeling exposed. The next grouping pertains to world view, I'm an N or intuitive, I'm a dreamer, I believe in imagination, and curved non linear thinking, while an S believes in rules, and order, structure and linear thinking, suffice it to say we don't get along well because we both see the world so differently and deal with authority differently, but we're both important because as a visionary I can come up with the new ideas but with out the structure and discipline of the S's we N's would never get anything done. Next is the biggie, what we'll be talking about today, the T/F, I'm a thinker, everything in me is cerebral and dealing with feelers has been a constant struggle for me. If I find out someone is talking bad about me I'm going to try to figure out what I did that would cause them to do so, a feeler is going to wonder why? A thinkers actions and responses come from analysis, where a feeler derives from their heart, their likes and dislikes. Lastly their is the judgers, and the perceives, I never really understood these names but judgers plan, plan everything, even if we procrastinate, we don't do anything off the cuff, it makes us very uncomfortable, whereas perceivers are spontaneous, they hate planning, feeling constrained, and hate the waiting, they love to just go, and see what comes, and thrive on that mystery. As I said I'm a INTJ, I like my small group of friends, and I'm a dreamer, I'm a thinker, and I need everything planned out, don't pop something on me I don't do well with surprises, but what I want to talk about is thinkers and feelers. Being a thinker most of the people my mom, my mate among others in my life are feeling. My mom has really been on the bad end of this for most of my life, it wasn't until my rock bottom crash down that I figurd out the pain and damage I'd left in my past, I hadn't really noticed or cared. The fact that my relationship with a hardcore feeler has been sucesssfull makes me believe I've begun to learn to deal with feelers, but for me it really is like another language, when you say think before you speak I need to take that a step further, I need to think how are they going to hear what I'm going to say. Turns out I can say some very hurtful things not thinking about it, but it's just a fact to me. Reacting to them has also been a learning experience, because I need to figure out what there really trying to say, because with feelers it's often the tone, or undertones, even the words unsaid that are the most important. Now does this mean I've been successful, no, when my other half first cried in front of me I had no idea what to do. It's become sort of a joke today but at the time it was terrible, she was hurt, and I couldn't think of anything to do, when she tells the story now the term deer in the head lights come up. Now I know she doesn't need me to talk or even necessarily fix it, just hold her and be there. Huh how feelerish is that, makes no sense to a thinker, but does it need to? Agian, no. It's just the difference between us all, has this helped fix the wreakege I've left in the lives in the people around me? Has it fixed the pain and hurt I've caused in my past? No, but I try to, and I try to live my life the best I can, and in the end as long as I can look into the eyes of my other half, and know we work, never having really argued with each other or fought, I think I'm on the right path, will I still try to fix things, try to improve myself, try to fulfill my promise to live a life of service, being the best person I can, then the answer is yes. Part of achieving that has been to realize we are all different, and to co-exist we need to learn how to, and have the desire to, it's easy to be selfish, it's easy to not see another's suffering, what's hard is to do something to change it. To quote a favorite tv show, in each persons life they are going to be called to step up and be a hero, I've tried and try every day, will you?
Friday, June 22, 2012
Outrage from a sociopathy
I really don't know what's going on in the world today when murderabilia is being sold by the government, priests are attacking nuns and preaching acting out against the government, how a man who's a priest in his faith can run for the oval office, money sent to a country suffering a national tragedy can use relief money for security for whale research, what they say anyway, what thier really doing is whaling for the meat, when one of the framers of the constitution, and author, and signer, Ect, one of our founding fathers explains how to understand the constitution if a question about intent arises, and instead of LISTENING to what he said, twisting the facts to meet the goals of our own agendas, damn where a selfish race, I want to believe people are mostly good, but when I see all this going on, well hell, at least I admit I'm a selfish sociopath, the difference is I admit it and try to find a way to live on this planet with others, while doing my best not to hurt them, yeah I fail I'm an imperfect being, I admit it I've been to counseling, I know my own condition, heck I have it in writing, I could probably come close to quoting it, between my IQ and being a sociopath I'm an alien, a stranger in a strange land, but seeing these things I choose to not let them cage or limit me. For those of you who may not know sociopathy is quite common, most of the successful people have the same condition, it simply means I have a disconnect between my mind and my emotions, emotion is a diffrent language I don't understand and have learned to speak, do I sound like its my mother language no, I have an accent but I think I have a conversational level of competence, anyway I don't talk about this, so it will probably get zapped, if your one of the lucky ones, well now you know one of my many secrets that will come out here, I did promise honesty, I'm just not sure yet how far is to far, and how much is to much, enjoy life, it's far to short, it's unfortunate so many people are so focused on what comes after this life they dont stop to enjoy the triumphs and sorrows of this one.
Update on what's the point
I finally did call the satellite company and it was ugly, thier sending out a tech guy Sunday to fix the wires and reaim the dish, mind you a guy came out on the 16th, about a week ago and said the problem was the box and promptly replaced it, then in Monday there sending out a install guy to upgrade me to Hd, and install wires in a new room, well why can't this be done by the install guy on Monday, well he just handles installs not tech problems, ok why can't the tech guy handle this on Sunday, well he's a tech guy not an installer, but wait arnt they both coming out to deal with the wiring, and re-aligning the dish? No! Huh ok sounds like double-think to me, I know I'm being screwed some how but damned if all this circular thinking is showing me how! Of course I can pay 409$ for the visits, even though I'm paying for the insurance, or I can upgrade to the new HD box and everything's free, ok 400$ for an obsolete box or a new bleeding edge super cool HD box i can control with my iPad, free huh, yeah with a 24 month contract and 20$ more a month, why can't they have cable in rural areas, hell wifi would be nice, but I live in a community where we have no choice we get one company, because the city contracted with them, so I can't get AT&T or Comcast or anything except the contracted company, meaning no wifi, no cable, notta, gotta love this town!
Firemen v. Policemen
The long awaited post, ok this has been another long standing thought puzzle, firemen are heroes, we love, respect, hell nearly worship them, and they deserve it, no kidding it's tough, but, they know when the bell rings what to expect, they know what there going into, but police, well they put on their uniform and badge and go out everyday ostensibly to protect and serve, yet unless we need one thier pigs and nazis, even if we don't actively dislike cops when we see them we slow down, start looking over our shoulder, start wondering did he/she see us cross that yellow line? All our little guilts blossom up, if we get a ticket the common comment is why arn't you out stoping a real crime? Well you or I were speeding, and trust me if s/he got a call about something they'd drop your ticket like its hot, most really are out to serve and protect. Most important to me though is they do this for low pay, high risk, little respect, and still they go to work every day knowing they might die! When's the last time you had to worry about dying on the job while your teaching that class, ok high school has gotten crazy but that's another post, but really not to belittle what anyone does short of police or military men and women, who has to really worry there's a chance they could die doing thier job, never see thier family agian, I couldn't do it, I tried? I've never understood this disparity, and after something bad does happen, it's where where you, make it better get out there and catch the guy? So why become a police officer in the first place, to me the rewards don't come close to the costs, your wife and kids face the risk of becoming widows, or vice versa for our ladies in blue, much respect to you ladies, now hopefully I haven't offended anyone here, but it's something I have thought about since being a kid, I once saw officers as the modern knights in thier armor and shield wielding modern weapons protecting the weak and innocent, I'm an adult and see them as people, all to real people with all to real failings, who have a tough job without the hero worship from the masses, Ect. Are there some bad eggs, bullies who like the power and authority, yeah theirs Cartmen's in every field, especially in jobs with built in authori-tay like teaching, medicine, the priesthood, but look at that list almost to a one comes a respect for what they do, even if we don't show it, if we did teachers would be better paid, the future is in thier hands, doctors wouldn't have to fight for patient care because there course of treatment is to expensive so insurance companies make it uncovered or put so many hoops, loops and red tape the over worked doctor doesn't have time to deal with it, and the priesthood, well these are all posts for another day but for those not in the know, the priesthood has, and has for quite awhile, a long period of preparation and personality and psychological testing now, most of the atrocities committed where from the good old boy era when you just walked in and joined, after serving under a priest, you were granted priesthood when your mentor felt you were prepared. Though that's in NO way excusing the behaviors or the coverups, I'm just saying its much harder for a pedophile to get into the priesthood, things have changed, well some things, but agian thats a post for another day. Having grown up with a healthy distrust for organized religion then spending some time as an LDS member, and then several years as a happy catholic, I'm not happy with the churches direction today, I couldn't have converted to a pre-Vatican 2 church and that's where there going, but well chat about those things in another post, now off to class for now, ttyl my friends
Hangover 2 thoughts
Ok first of all I'm not a comedy guy, I prefer other types of books, movies, and tv shows, but I try to not alienate myself so I do try to see these things if the rest of the wolf pack is so at least I know the jokes there referring to, so last night we watched it. I wish I could say I liked it, surprisingly I sorta liked the first sorta momento but with jokes, this was just so groundhog day, the scenery was beautiful and the last images of the lanterns was great, of course my TiVo cut off before the credits so I'm told I missed the best part, but if the credits are the best part what's that say about the movie? As my better half said I'd rather have just seen what happened than just the aftermath, most of which they never explain. I don't think the music went well with the scenes but loved the Allentown bit, I laughed there, the lady boy scene also got a guilty chuckle, and the in-laws were realistic in their portrayal but yelling at your future father in law doesn't endear you, though from personal experience neither does being polite, kind, or considerate, and loving their daughter is never enough in fact it seems to be another failing on my part, so those scene bothered me, if I thought yelling at the in-laws would square stuff, well I've wanted to do that after year two when I sacrificed the last year with my family before they moved to spend time with them. So maybe a smoking drug dealing monkey made me snicker, I still wondered where PETA was that day. Cops using a missing kid to pull of a sting didn't work either, and the moment I was waiting for through the whole movie was dads over controlled son forced to live out dads expectations to have his moment of enough, no more, it ends here but never got it, IDK maybe I just can't review a comedy that well, I'll try better on something more in my field I guess. Note: I'm assuming by now you've either seen this already so sorry if theirs any spoilers.
Taste buds and evolution
Ok, I know this is going to sound strange as a topic but it's something I've thought about for awhile so here goes taste buds, why have we evolved to have taste buds in certain places, and why are there so called super tasters? Now this is a selfish interest as I am a super taster, it stinks, other than a few party tricks it just makes foods made with certain things enedible, mostly bitter to the point of nausea, now sweet is at the tip of the tongue and bitter at the rear, sour to the sides, and salty/umami in the center, but why? Most bitter foods are toxic to us so you'd think the poison detecter would be farther away from the oops to late down the throat point, and why sweet at the tip? This pattern has evolved to some extent so their must be a reason, have their been nationality/locality studies to see if the structure changes regionally? Our skins melenins are diffrent because of regional enviorment differences, diffrent foods exist in diffrent places yet the taste buds seems to be of Similer design? Why? I don't expect any answers because people can't seem to comment for some reason, but I'm curious, doesn't it make you wonder?
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Coming soon
My new who am I, which will probably feature the start of my relationship and the drama surrounding it, as well some new movie thoughts and I'm working hard on my police V Firefighters, which looks into our perceptions of both and how valid are they?
Tyranny of the box
Tivo, DVR, the new bane of my life, the new addiction, I'm sorry I can't go out I gotta watch my TiVo before it gets deleted, oh my Sophie's choice do I watch Hells kitchen or America's got talent, it's a never ending struggle of OMG all of those STARGATE univers's got deleted I was saving those, oh no I can't watch true blood I hate the cliff hangers, I need to wait until I have the whole season, what delete that 11 hours of alphas, NO, I have the whole series saved, go ahead and delete the whole new season of south park, yeah after we have it on DVD, oh frack we need to get this stuff watched where going to start getting two hours of big brother after dark every night. Or my favorite oh yeah you can delete that it's on Netflix, only to be followed by OMG Netflix deleted my show, ie Babylon 5, I had the whole series tivo'd and now it's gone. I don't know what this means over all other than I'm really bad, and guess I need to face the facts I admit I'm am powerless over it, I'm a television content hoarder, is their a meeting for me somewhere?...(sadly these are all true statements.)
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Who am I post 1 ver 1
Ok this is not easy, I've not had the greatest of pasts but to understand who I am now you have to understand where I'm coming from. This will probably be done over several posts, this will be part one but is going to start in the middle. Pieces of the past will be added in as needed. Prologue I come from a great family brother, sister, mom, biological father passed away, and my dad, like many my maternal grand mother had a big part of my youth and life, I was not good, give me a choice and I'll take the wrong one, suffice it to say for now this lead to a life of hurt people behind me until my lifestyle brought me to rock bottom. After I started piecing my life back together I realized I was in a very unhealthy relationship, so I tried to fix things, eventually we broke up, she married some guy three months latter. Given this second chance what should I do with it? I decided I wanted a life of service, I made bad choices and had no idea how to use my gifts wisly, so I decided on the priesthood. Now this is not an easy process, I was to learn. Calling my local catholic church they were happy to help but informed me very nicely to be a priest you needed to be catholic, oh huh, that sorta makes sense, why had that never occurred to me? Ok well at the time I was a member of the LDS church, more commonly known as mormons. To become catholic you need to go through a year long period of school, then to become a priest you need to be a member for three years in good standing, and pass a battery of psychological and personality test to make sure your not going to say abuse your authority, I enjoyed the class, learning a lot, then served in the class for the next for years going from the shadows to doing talks myself. During this time I had become friends with someone who had gone through the class with me, he was always pushing me to get involved in his calling, youth ministry but this terrified me, it was like asking a heroin addict to run a methadone clinic, eventually he convinced me I had to face the demon, and I wouldn't be alone, so I helped out on a retreat. It was terrifying but amazing, the kids responded well to me, so I ended up serving in youth ministry for the next few years. During this time I was flying off staying with holy orders, testing, going through the process finding the right order, I wanted a monastic order where I could meditate in a cave and suffer over the actions I've done in my life. A wise priest gave me some great advice. Rarely are we called to do what we want, where called to what we need, so after deep thought I realized the monastic life was my desire to escape, not my calling, I needed to be helping, service, using my gifts for others, so I started interviewing with acts based orders. While doing this I continued doing the youth ministry eventually even acting as the spiritual director for a retreat of my own design, scary stuff, based around the wizard of oz. Behind all of this I had become friends with another of the youth minsters. Many times over the years I found myself thinking it was to bad she was so much younger, we really got on amazing, and I had learned something, over the years, going into the priesthood I was not thinking of woman as woman just people, so she became the first woman I had become friends with, real friends, not what can I get out of this friends, the model of most of my relationships before rock Bottom and huh, you ladies think some great thoughts, but I had no idea that several years later we'd actually get together but that will be my next post on who I am....
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Zagg/Logitech case 2.0
Just got a new case for the iPad, Bluetooth, keyboard has a great feel, brushed aluminum looks great, and the keyboard has some great function keys, it feels light so I'm not sure how secure it is, and inserting it into the case scares me I feel like I'm going to scratch the iPad, and it has one really strange feature, when you remove it from the case it activats your pad, in the last screen you were in, I've nearly sent several emails putting it in the case or removing it. I'm ambivalent about this feature, it's cool, the pad comes on when I take it out, but be careful or your inlaws may be reading what you just posted about them, so be careful, as I use it I'll give you more info as reviewed now back to the morality of mind-reading in true blood... Well I just thought it might be a little important to update you on some new things I've discovered about this case, for the most part I still love it but it was nearly $100 US, so I should love it. And yet I just discovered that after its useful life time when the battery ceases to charge you're supposed to break open the back, remove the battery, dispose of it properly and then dispose of the keyboard in a local bin. So wait you're telling me I just paid $100 for a case that once it's no longer useful I can't just change the batteries, I need to throw it away, I don't know what to think about this. I don't want to get started on the whole US consumerism disposable society thing because that would be a whole different post, but in the end what's up with that, nowhere on the box did it say disposable keyboard, it said made out of lightweight aluminum airplane material, nearly indestructible and it has a Bluetooth keyboard attached to it, it doesn't get much better than that. So I guess buyer beware because there are still some things I guess they don't need to tell you on the box.
Tron legacy update 1.2
Im currently watching the movie tron legacy, it's not bad as movies go, but would have been better as a stand alone, not a sequel, but that's not my issue. Their in the grid, a world of bits and bytes, so why do they seem to have real world physics, like the jets using propulsion to fly when the gravity itself is an illusion? I really feel this movie would have been better story and image wise if they remembered everything about the world there in is based on imagination, the way objects move, particles explode realisticly, gravity, enviorment. Even if you say Flynn sought to create an ultra realistic world, his belief in our future being in the grid would have had him make a better form of physics. As in the first fight with renzler/tron, they manipulate gravity or just our perception, but the blood drop moves like fluid dynamics says it would, after CLU takes over wouldn't he alter things to make himself all powerful? Well see maybe this changes as the story progresses. Some great quotes, in the movie, "life has a way of moving you past things like wants and hopes , the only way to win the game is not to play, his patience usually beats out my more aggressive strategy, the art of the selfless- removing oneself from the equation, they manifested like a flame-the conditions were right and they came into being-like flowers in a wasteland-proudly nieve; unimaginably wise, I'd been living in a hall of mirrors, it's amazing how productive doing nothing can be, ... Ok just FYI I'm only at the point in the movie where Flynns son is going to see zeus what will happen tune in soon my friends, don't forget hangover 2, the last Harry potter movie coming up as well as a few surprises, enjoy!
Something new, Something Old Death murderabilia
Last night I watched a show called Taboo, it documents subjects found acceptible in some place, and taboo in others. One of the thingss they talked about was something called murderabiia. the buying and selling of things attached to serial killers, thier art, hair clippings, letters, dirt from the drop sites of bodies. aparrently this is legel in most of our country and big buisness. Some say this is protected by the constitution, and others say its profiting on the pain, suffering, and criminal actions of others, which they agree they are. What does this say about us, how would you feelif the seriel killer who took your family members life, or even some ethicly challenged individuale are making a profit selling the dried flowers you left on the cross where thier body was dumped? I'm not a law professer, I have only my own moral compass to go on, faulty as it might be, and as the eventual post aboout my past will show i'm hardly an angel, yet it still seems wrong to me, and I can't seem to figure how this is free speech. I often learn amazing things about our world watching Taboo but sometimes, as the mirror of the show reflects the face of humanity back at me, well sometimes I don't like who I am. UPDATE : why am I the only one who seems outraged by this muderabila, it just seems sick to me.
Music, what happened?
What's up with music, what we loved in our youth becomes elevator music, what we hated in high school becomes nostalgic. The dreaded top 40 becomes the music of our era, when that song came on, we rolled our eyes, ugh! Now we can't help that feeling of lost youth, regrett, fun, our upcoming mortality, have we changed so much that what once we listened to through booming speakers, or headsets the size of apples new music has replaced it, how many keep up with the changing music, how many enjoy it? I guess with so many bands out there, whatever we like there's something your going to like but who would have thought me, black sabbath, iron maiden, my idol ozzy, who despised rap as a fad that couldn't disappear quick enough, huh epic fail there, kinda stuck didn't it? Point being I like eminem, seems weird to me, not a lot of similarity between eminem and king diamond, but I look through my play list, show tunes, (have had several emerasing moments singing out lout songs from avenue q), movie sound tracks, yet not only enya or enigma, but you'll find the Beatles, but there's also nox arcana, Danzig, cold play, Keith urban, heck bebo Norman even shows up, right next to evanescence. Now with twenty gig of music there's a lot of choice, but what's it mean. What do the music choices I listen to say about my personality, a lot I'm sure. Do our choices change as we mature and gain experience? If so why do so few of us find classical or opera the true devils music, I enjoy some of both, but I can't say I've changed I enjoyed those same pieces in my youth. Can we look at our playlist and it's changes and determine self knowledge about ourselves, and others for that matter like looking in some ones medicine cabinet, it says more about us than we'd like normally, just look at the differences between your public bathroom, and your private family medicine cabinet, I bet you might find it a surprising mirror of the inside of your own mind.
Monday, June 18, 2012
I see you, no longer in that place the eye cannot see!
My life, my love, my better half, my wife, my everything... This will be a continually updated post I think, because things change. I will try to cover how we met, the strange circumstances in which we came together, the many struggles we faced, some of which still face, and those like children, homes, and other struggles still to come. I promise like in all of my posts I will be completely honest, this may be hard for some to read especially if you happen to fall into one of those categories. Suffice it to say any relationship with an age difference of about 15 years is going to hit some tough spots, but as I've said our friendship and love for each other combined with the work and sacrafice has helped us make it so far. Though this may start sounding like a love letter, wars have always been before us, several times we've found our paths beggining to diverge, agian so far we continue to triumph, with the help of friends and loved ones, and even family. Yet our greatest strength is found in each other. Though to truly understand you need to know the whole story, so we should probably start at the beggining, lucky I'm telling the story, it's my choice, lol. But that will be our first update, that's a touchy area I'd like to be fully awake on that part so I'll pick up there next, see you all in the past.
Comments - hope this helps
I believe for those of you whove asked to comment click the post you want to comment on and a new page will load, opening a window, if theirs an easier way somebody please post it, thank you for reading I hope you enjoy it as much as I do writing it. I have a todo check list of upcoming posts let me know if you'd like me to post the coming features so you can comment on what I focus on writing, thanks agian.
Just a thought I showed people how to comment, and no comments, you all hate me I knew it, lol
I know they haven't made it easy, but I'm trying to make this a sort of conversation on thinking and ideas, peoples thoughts, so please comment you should be able to do so and the google app has the blogger app built in so you don't have to log in ever,
Relationships and underwear : UPDATE
Honestly I've struggled with this one but when I mentioned it I got a chuckle from my other half so as homer says she laughed, that's permission so here goes.
I've been with my love for six years and we've known each other for nearly a decade, our weirdness is mutual, so we work well together, fear not she's getting her own post but that's taking time, she merrits it, so it's stuck as a draft for now, but relationships, well thier a mystery, a wonderful puzzle of give and take, if it's healthy I guess, now, sorry if this involves TMI but we come to my skivvies.
Well she does. Been a point of amusement on my side, guess not so much on hers but she's sweet.
So after six years there's a knock on the door, fed ex guy, huh ok, thanks. It's for her so I leave it alone. She gets home and tells me to open it, I won't, it's not mine right? So she opens it and counting slowly drops in my lap one by one, brand new big dog underwear, same as the old ones sans holes.
Well the one hole it's supposed to come with is there but just the one.
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine"! "There, now you have no excuse!". Um... but... but... but..., well she got me what could I say? I tried whining about the two patterns missing, out of print, dang she checked, and check mated me, what could I say? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying its your job to buy our unders, guess its something I should have done before she felt she needed to, but it's why I love her, she had an issue with my holy drawers, she could have yelled, we could have fought, I hear couples do that on occasion.
She could have just gottent any old shorts, but no, she got the exact patterns I liked, because she loves me, so I guess she wins, as I type this I'm wearing a new pattern to replace one of the out of print versions, I like it, on the front it has written where's the remote, if you turn around an image of a remote is, well, in a crevice of sorts, it's cute, and well the remote often ends up there anyway, way, way to often, so art imitating life, right?
So there you go, that's when you know your relationship has become something truly special, and someone loves you a lot! Just an aside I read this to her, and got her blessing, she approves, so there you are, plus I got a laugh, that makes me feel good, if she's happy so am I!
Correcting this, I find it's still very true, btw today is urban camo, another new pattern. I find it truly inspiring that a person can actually make you want to be a better person. Even today after six years together, never a raised voice, or argument, we might not always agree but communication and discussion go along way.
I find myself asking as I look across the bed at her sleeping, how many others have what we do, nobody I've talked to has said yes, I can only think if more people were friends and equal with thier partners, the world would be a happier place, when you willingly sacrafice the I/me and switch to the us/we something intrinsic in the world changes, along with something inside you.
I've been with my love for six years and we've known each other for nearly a decade, our weirdness is mutual, so we work well together, fear not she's getting her own post but that's taking time, she merrits it, so it's stuck as a draft for now, but relationships, well thier a mystery, a wonderful puzzle of give and take, if it's healthy I guess, now, sorry if this involves TMI but we come to my skivvies.
She hates them,
there probably from high school and have more holes than material nowadays, but I love them. Their comfortable and hey I'm a guy who sees them?Well she does. Been a point of amusement on my side, guess not so much on hers but she's sweet.
So after six years there's a knock on the door, fed ex guy, huh ok, thanks. It's for her so I leave it alone. She gets home and tells me to open it, I won't, it's not mine right? So she opens it and counting slowly drops in my lap one by one, brand new big dog underwear, same as the old ones sans holes.
Well the one hole it's supposed to come with is there but just the one.
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine"! "There, now you have no excuse!". Um... but... but... but..., well she got me what could I say? I tried whining about the two patterns missing, out of print, dang she checked, and check mated me, what could I say? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying its your job to buy our unders, guess its something I should have done before she felt she needed to, but it's why I love her, she had an issue with my holy drawers, she could have yelled, we could have fought, I hear couples do that on occasion.
She could have just gottent any old shorts, but no, she got the exact patterns I liked, because she loves me, so I guess she wins, as I type this I'm wearing a new pattern to replace one of the out of print versions, I like it, on the front it has written where's the remote, if you turn around an image of a remote is, well, in a crevice of sorts, it's cute, and well the remote often ends up there anyway, way, way to often, so art imitating life, right?
So there you go, that's when you know your relationship has become something truly special, and someone loves you a lot! Just an aside I read this to her, and got her blessing, she approves, so there you are, plus I got a laugh, that makes me feel good, if she's happy so am I!
Correcting this, I find it's still very true, btw today is urban camo, another new pattern. I find it truly inspiring that a person can actually make you want to be a better person. Even today after six years together, never a raised voice, or argument, we might not always agree but communication and discussion go along way.
I find myself asking as I look across the bed at her sleeping, how many others have what we do, nobody I've talked to has said yes, I can only think if more people were friends and equal with thier partners, the world would be a happier place, when you willingly sacrafice the I/me and switch to the us/we something intrinsic in the world changes, along with something inside you.
Kung fu panda 2 and Fathers
fathers day, its always been a bit of a strange day for me, I, like many today have two, and like many sons, and daughters I guess though not being one I'm hardly in any place to fully understand a relationship between a father and a daughter when I struggle in understanding mothers, sisters, and spouses, sorry ladies you confuse us, I don't think we intend to make you crazy but in fairness it goes both ways. Never means we stop loving you. Yet thats a post for another day. Yesterday was fathers day and I watched Kung Fu Panda 2 with my loving fiancé, wife, other half, soul mate whatever you choose it doesn't come close to the truth, yet again thats another post for another day. watching this show, umm spoiler alert I guess, Po finds he has other biological parents, and in the end returns home to his goose step father, and makes it clear this is his real father, and they embrace and have a cute tete a tete over whose going to cook, cute loving moment, tear up, credits roll. My problem is does this happen? Son's have complex relations with their fathers, I am at a little liberty to write about this because my biological father has passed on, but my real father, the one who raised me, supported me, is still here, and we still struggle to find that balance I think. I don't know if we just don't know how to deal with each other, or how to explain it, but I love him for doing what he did, taking in the son from another marriage and accepting that responsibility, but that is again another blog, what I planned on talking about was my life long struggle to find acceptance, even the appearance of love from my biological father, but I've prattled on so much i think we may just come back to that too. For now lets just say i've lived my life believing whole heartedly that if nothing else in the end, when he looked back on his life and saw what he'd missed out on, a life with his son, he'd get it, I was mistaken even in the end not only did nothing new happen I became the bad guy, out to get him. He died with me refusing to see him, I couldn't take the attacks anymore, was it selfish yes do I regret it yes, would I change it? No. I would still be feeling those things either way, with the path I chose at least my better half didn't have to cope with me coming home in tears of rage, and failure, and powerlessness. Thats not to say she didn't still have to deal with those things but less so, and she wasn't the victim of his attacks that way either. So the question on the floor remain do those moments between father and son really happen, against the evidence of my experience I still have to hope so, I still have a father to mend things with, and with him it's not to late. {at some point maybe i'll discuss how maybe my dad wasn't that off in the end maybe I was the bad guy, I did help get him placed in a hospital, I still believe it was what was right, I was just manipulated into it for the wrong reasons}
Worth the time?
Should I continue blogging?! I still am trying to figure what is the point, what subjects are appropriate, who am I writing this for, do I care what people think, I don't know. Should I talk about my relationship or the things that go hand in hand with that, how about family and the prevailing issues there, it's a public forum do I have the right to talk about these things which others might find personal, does this go back agian to who and why am I writing this? Does it matter if I'm the only one reading it, or worse should I censor things because others might read this, I simply don't know. It seems so simple but when you think deeper it forces you to ask hard questions. Like the past, should I talk about parts of the darker elements of the past, and ultimatly the things ive learned from it, even though that means bringing up painful things not just for me, but agian the people involved? I am begging to think this is going to be an ongoing debate with myself, because I dont know who to talk to about it, who has an impartial thought on this issue? For now i'll leave you on that note but I will be back, because in the end thats at the heart of this endeavour, its not a secret journal for my thoughts. maybe more a platfform for my beliefs and experiences, we shall see, bye for now, my unknown fellowship. [i'm still trying to conceptualize you my possible readers, and what kind of social contract this creates between us.]
Meeting with the sisters
Met with the sisters this weekend, always interesting but I think I might be frustrating, but they do try hard, we talked about sacrafice and blessings that come from following the commandments, interesting talks, their very nice and it's always great to meet new people some of whome hopefully will be life long friends, if I can keep from making them to crazy, lol. Always have such interesting talks, I didn't know surrogacy was ok in the LDS church, I think we're going to be talking about twilight books, and how it relates to church teachings, and the author, should be interesting.
Whaling and Japanese relief funds
Japan... A country I love, it saddened me terribly what happened there, and the horrible suffering, I don't have a lot but I donated more than was financially wise for me but it was Japan, what did I just see? The government gave millions of that money to the whaling industry for security. WTF! The money I went with out for to help people who are suffering and its being used to kill whales. I'm not a fan of sea Shepard and their whale wars but we can't keep destroying these creatures, apex preditors, there is a complexity system involved, how is that right? Yeah giving that money to fishermen would have been one thing but semi-legal whalers? I need to think about this and do some research but whaling is not my voice!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Art, to show or not to show
For many years I've dabbled in writing poetry, short stories, as I've matured I've learned how to create my own music from friends using midi, and I've tried my hand at art, using photoshop to polish my creations, using Bryce to create realistic 3d enviorments, and apophis a fractal sort of program to create the raw material to sculpt in photoshop I've messed around in graphic design, but in almost all of these things I've shown only a select few, why? I've been told by the few that it's good, and I would tell myself they were being kind, so now what do I do? I guess I will think on this, listen to friends maybe try to find and outside source for an opinion or am I over thinking this, as I am prone to do, idk, like most things I dont have an answer, so for now good times I'm sure I'll revisit this when my fiancé is not here, no need to say it I'd rather hang with her, for more on that see my last post on marriage.
Marriage what is it really
Main Entry: mar·riage Pronunciation: \ˈmer-ij, ˈma-rij\Function: nounEtymology: Middle English mariage, from Anglo-French, from marier to marryDate: 14th century1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage b : the mutual relation of married persons : wedlock c : the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage2 : an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities3 : an intimate or close union Now my interest is very selfish in looking at this because my fiancé have put alot of heart and soul into this question, what does the government or a organized religion we don't practice have to do with us making a commitment to live and be together, in a monogamy based life long commitment, shouldn't this be a choice between us and any god we might believe in? As much as I respect their right to choose do I care what Muslims or Allah feels about how I choose to live my life? No, I'm not Muslim so why would I find it important to get the ok from any other religious group, I don't live with them either. Now let's look at my uncle sam, hey my family approves, even goes so far as to imply I'm a better person because of her, so what do I care what my crazy uncle cares, why do I need his validation? Hell the soldiers fighting right now have more right to input on how I choose to live my life than a bunch of old close minded hypocrites who are more concerned with lining their pockets and cramming their ideas and agendas down my throat by force if needed because somehow they know what's best for me. I'm a thinker not a feeler so maybe my views on this are skewed but say we get together with our friends and loved ones, have a commitment of life ceremony and a big party that's not ok but we can go down to the court say the same thing in front of people who don't give two s&$@ then sleep with anyone we want, hey all good, you signed the dotted line right? Why is love rendered so meaningless in a relationship centered on love. Maybe if the government and big religion kept its nose out of my bank and bedroom because honestly that's really what there wound up about more marriages would last! IDK time I guess will tell, but to me this is different than getting a drivers license, it seems to me in the end is about us, our feelings, our choices, our lives and should be between us and whatever god we believe in, and gasp if we didn't believe in god? (we do not that it matters to anyone else, and I think probably their are bigger things on the mind if the divine than two people choice to commit), but if we didn't then again its a choice between two people who are consenting adults who love and cherish each other and desire to spend the rest of time together thats on us to find a way to do right?
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Ripped muscles and shredded abs
Omg I am so tired of commercials about getting in shape using this diet or this device, come on if any of these things really worked every doctor, every news network would be all over this, if you want to get in shape and lose weight it's a very simple formula eat less and move more, it helps if you eat smarter and move smarter but really come on obesity is so prolific in this country and we spend so much on these products only to be disappointed, weight loss has the same cure rate as drug and Alchehol dependence 30%, if you want to change and live life diffrent you can, make better and yes harder choices but if your willing to put in the time and the work you can change. Everything from manufacturing to life changes involves something like the fire pyramid, you need two of the three points, time, money, or quality. If you want speed and quality it's going to cost money, if you want to save money you can you have to sacrafice quality or speed. So choose your points of importance and move ahead, a leopard can change its spots, it just takes effort, just my rant on a subject that makes me crazy.
Through the wormhole
To those concerned, this is probably the greatest series ever made, pick any episode which is made up of several aspects anyone of which could occupy the rest of your life researching, this post is just a primer, after watching the new ep. I will have more to say but for now its research time I will return, sorry guys. {that I'll be back not that I'm leaving}, lol
Still haven't had a chance to see the new episode but when I do I'll be sure to share my thoughts on it then, cya soon, hopefully better informed.
Coming Attractions Update 1.0
Just as a note I'm working on a few blogs on subjects that really confuse me such as marriage, the dichotomy between fire men and police, so those are a few things to look forward too, also if you all want me to prattle on about anything specific please feel free to comment here or Facebook and I'll try my best to amuse and entertain, oh yes and everyone should know falling skies premiers on TNT soon so set your dVR's ;-)
Well post on marriage is started and the beginning of it has been published, well see if my beliefs change on this, probably I will go over it and touch it up more to try and make my confusion more clearly discernible .....update time..... Needless to say well be talking about how my life changed and met my soul mate, we'll be chatting about my well I promised honesty my unsavory past and how it lead me here, as well as relationships with friends, family, and my confusion with the female gender in all it's amazing mystery, I'm looking forward to talking about my interest in the heroism of fire fighters and the mixed bag of feelings we have over the boys in blue, for that matter health and our trust in a medical community which more and more is controlled not by doctors but business men and woman more concerned with the bottom line than the health of this great country. I plan on speaking a little bit about the school program I belong to, possibly the way school will be done in the future, and I'm sure much more, though I will still talk about the movies I'll be seeing, currently waiting on the DVR is the last x-men movie, tron legacy, the last Harry potter, and hangover 2, a movie I'm a bit scared to watch, comedy never my strong point, (I over think things I'm told to enjoy the humor though I sometimes disagree), as well as hells kitchen, AGT, So you think you can dance, and of course wormhole, probably my favorite show because much of what I do involves those same projects, so I can talk to an informed viewer and not feel like an alien. Anyway as I've noted it's late and the iPad needs charging or no work or school tommorow or worse done on my phone with the blue tooth keyboard, which if I remember I'll tell you all about my new case, very cool looking with some great features, but for now south park, a chapter of Jurassic park then bed, night all.
Well post on marriage is started and the beginning of it has been published, well see if my beliefs change on this, probably I will go over it and touch it up more to try and make my confusion more clearly discernible .....update time..... Needless to say well be talking about how my life changed and met my soul mate, we'll be chatting about my well I promised honesty my unsavory past and how it lead me here, as well as relationships with friends, family, and my confusion with the female gender in all it's amazing mystery, I'm looking forward to talking about my interest in the heroism of fire fighters and the mixed bag of feelings we have over the boys in blue, for that matter health and our trust in a medical community which more and more is controlled not by doctors but business men and woman more concerned with the bottom line than the health of this great country. I plan on speaking a little bit about the school program I belong to, possibly the way school will be done in the future, and I'm sure much more, though I will still talk about the movies I'll be seeing, currently waiting on the DVR is the last x-men movie, tron legacy, the last Harry potter, and hangover 2, a movie I'm a bit scared to watch, comedy never my strong point, (I over think things I'm told to enjoy the humor though I sometimes disagree), as well as hells kitchen, AGT, So you think you can dance, and of course wormhole, probably my favorite show because much of what I do involves those same projects, so I can talk to an informed viewer and not feel like an alien. Anyway as I've noted it's late and the iPad needs charging or no work or school tommorow or worse done on my phone with the blue tooth keyboard, which if I remember I'll tell you all about my new case, very cool looking with some great features, but for now south park, a chapter of Jurassic park then bed, night all.
South Park and Richard Dawkins
Well, yesterday was mostly research and discussion, as much as I get done on days like that I always feel like I didn't get anything done. I did learn that Richard Dawkins postulated in god delusion something Similar to my theory of social engineering through the use of media going back to early civilization. Though his points are predominantly theistic indoctrination of youth, which is not quite what I'm talking about, but the seed concept of what he's speaking of could be considered a form of what I'm postulating just
on a more simplified version. It validates my concept if a mind like Dawkins is working from the same principle. Sorry sure this is all terribly boring for most people. It does mean I'm going to have to add Dawkins to my research, having only read a little of his material out of context most of what I know comes from south park episodes, a little sad huh?
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
This is actually just a quick note, I did two sessions of school and worked from my iPhone, which I love but the iPad is absolutely the most amazing piece of technology, with the blue tooth keyboard and everything it can do, it's made life, school, work so much easier. It really makes my laptop obsolete, if it had some basic 3d rendering art programs like Bryce, even a nice photoshop with lots of filters would be great, I can even do some basic midi stuff with the software I have now. In time I'll get that software though it exists. Anyway thank you apple, and my love with out whom I would never have gotten this wondrous device.
National anthems hmmm?
I was just watching an episode of the Simpsons called "the Bart of War" where after a prank goes wrong the boys, ie Bart and milhouse are forced to join conflicting youth groups, watching the social dynamism between youth organizations, I found much of it interesting having been in boy scouts, 4H, and martial arts, as well as junior dog handling. The episode ends in all out war of course and marge crying as she just wanted, "to sew feathers onto felt", the city follows homers example and begins singing the Canadian national anthem, a non-war ballad about filial brotherhood and patriotism, and I had to wonder how many national anthems are not based on war like themes, but things like humanism, and universal love? From the few people I've spoken to on the subject it sounds like most seem to be about war in one form or another, I can't help wondering what that says about us as a species. If you have any thoughts on this or your national anthem is interesting in this please comment or MSG me on Facebook please, facebook.com/avalontcr thanks for your input.
Awesome found a non iPad blog app but this let's me use photos, don't know why I would need photos but here's a hyper sphere just for fun as today is all about studying higher dimension alignment
Rage and neighbors bad mix
Today's topic, my favorite.. RAGE, incandescent pure soul distilling rage reducing all thought to a mind searing singularity of primal force, where anything fool hardy enough to pass into your gaze much less provoke you results in instant incineration. This was my day yesterday my neighbors are of the sort that though you need to follow every community by-law ever existed they are above said rules. Twelve year olds pounding on a drum set all night, parking in the red zone or in my garage, listening to music as a glass vibrates off my table crashing to the floor, literally. It's always something, and as my careful reader will know I hate confrontation I'd rather except these things, or allow the appropriate people deal with it, but the managers don't respond, the police may come out and ask them to be more quite, it's seven a.m. And there sawing already over there, mind you there's less than four feet between our houses, so we may as well be living together, seeing that, I'm conscious of how loud my tv is, I am careful when I'm using my keyboard, I'm quite and respectful of my neighbors space, others don't think rules were made for them. Honestly this might not be so bad but I grew up in a house with no neighbors, something I'm grateful but I guess spoiled by. Now when about thirty people live in a home designed for five makes for a frustrating situation for all, especially in the heat but when we're forced to live on top of each other it takes mutual respect when some take advantage and the powers that be choose to turn their heads or take sides, it all falls apart, any person can be pushed, pushed to far. Idk what that's going to take but I don't even want to be here when it happens. Thanks to my fiancé who had gotten home and fed up after an hour later went over and said something and his asinine response was he'd only been doing it for ten minutes, he couldn't have been doing it all day because he was sleeping, lucky him the rest of us have lives. Anyway she'd been home for over an hour, why lie, the only thing worse than rude is stupid, anyway enough for now well see if my mood changes and I can get anything productive done today.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Pit bulls and guns, responsible choices
Egypt, great empire, mother civilization of the world as we know it, so many wondrous societies throughout time, known and as yet unknown, Greece, Rome, Japan a society which has been so much, capable of so much, Iran and Iraq the cradle of civilization, what is it today, even the U. S. A . A young upstart nation built upon equality, acceptance, and choice. What would someone who had lived through this all think? What conclusion would this anonymous walker through time think of what has happened in our world? Would he or she be proud of where we've gone and what we've become? Existing on an ever shrinking globe of greater connectivity where a message can travel around the world at the speed of light but few of us know our neighbors names. Lately I've been thinking about things like this, and in so wondering tried to understand what little I can myself. After the depth of the horrors of the holocaust were discovered we universally said never again, but it has, knowing human nature as poorly as I do, think it will probably happen again, what is it, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it? Yet if the history is written by the victor, or what is not written, how can we avoid repeating mistakes, no matter how terrible? As long as power comes by standing on the shoulders of giants we will lack the fundamental wisdom of how and when to use that power. In martial arts you learn power, but that power is tempered with knowledge and wisdom, yet the great equalizer, the gun makes might right, with out the moral lessons incumbent on the buyer. Now that's not to imply all gun owners are irresponsible any more than to say someone without the knowledge and skill of handling certain breeds of dog shouldn't be held responsible instead of the animal. Most pit bulls, Rottweilers, and other breed ban dogs are not the problem. Responsible ownership choices make all the difference. So what am I trying to say? As long as we're on this world and belong to the social contract we need to educate ourselves, gain the knowledge and wisdom before we act, because in the end we all live on one planet, like it or lump it we are our brothers keeper, as well as our mothers, daughters, nieces, on and on. If in saying any of this of offended anyone, I can't say I'm sorry, it's just the way it is.
Ps this was meant to be under another blog but I can't figure it out so here it is too, sorry if it duplicates.
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