Friday, June 22, 2012

Firemen v. Policemen

The long awaited post, ok this has been another long standing thought puzzle, firemen are heroes, we love, respect, hell nearly worship them, and they deserve it, no kidding it's tough, but, they know when the bell rings what to expect, they know what there going into, but police, well they put on their uniform and badge and go out everyday ostensibly to protect and serve, yet unless we need one thier pigs and nazis, even if we don't actively dislike cops when we see them we slow down, start looking over our shoulder, start wondering did he/she see us cross that yellow line? All our little guilts blossom up, if we get a ticket the common comment is why arn't you out stoping a real crime? Well you or I were speeding, and trust me if s/he got a call about something they'd drop your ticket like its hot, most really are out to serve and protect. Most important to me though is they do this for low pay, high risk, little respect, and still they go to work every day knowing they might die! When's the last time you had to worry about dying on the job while your teaching that class, ok high school has gotten crazy but that's another post, but really not to belittle what anyone does short of police or military men and women, who has to really worry there's a chance they could die doing thier job, never see thier family agian, I couldn't do it, I tried? I've never understood this disparity, and after something bad does happen, it's where where you, make it better get out there and catch the guy? So why become a police officer in the first place, to me the rewards don't come close to the costs, your wife and kids face the risk of becoming widows, or vice versa for our ladies in blue, much respect to you ladies, now hopefully I haven't offended anyone here, but it's something I have thought about since being a kid, I once saw officers as the modern knights in thier armor and shield wielding modern weapons protecting the weak and innocent, I'm an adult and see them as people, all to real people with all to real failings, who have a tough job without the hero worship from the masses, Ect. Are there some bad eggs, bullies who like the power and authority, yeah theirs Cartmen's in every field, especially in jobs with built in authori-tay like teaching, medicine, the priesthood, but look at that list almost to a one comes a respect for what they do, even if we don't show it, if we did teachers would be better paid, the future is in thier hands, doctors wouldn't have to fight for patient care because there course of treatment is to expensive so insurance companies make it uncovered or put so many hoops, loops and red tape the over worked doctor doesn't have time to deal with it, and the priesthood, well these are all posts for another day but for those not in the know, the priesthood has, and has for quite awhile, a long period of preparation and personality and psychological testing now, most of the atrocities committed where from the good old boy era when you just walked in and joined, after serving under a priest, you were granted priesthood when your mentor felt you were prepared. Though that's in NO way excusing the behaviors or the coverups, I'm just saying its much harder for a pedophile to get into the priesthood, things have changed, well some things, but agian thats a post for another day. Having grown up with a healthy distrust for organized religion then spending some time as an LDS member, and then several years as a happy catholic, I'm not happy with the churches direction today, I couldn't have converted to a pre-Vatican 2 church and that's where there going, but well chat about those things in another post, now off to class for now, ttyl my friends

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