Friday, July 27, 2012

Legalize marijuana

It's time to take the cuffs off of Mary Jane, it was made illegal for racist and monopolist reasons.

As long as alcohol and tobacco is legal and taxable there is no reason usable to enforce any ban, and the stigma is even more ludicrous. We don't stigmatize alcoholics, we call them. Connoisseurs.

Really you can't overdose on it, most doctors will tell you they deal with more health issues from the other two drugs. This statement that it's addictive is childish, guess the other two have neither addictive potential or withdrawal.

Yes, withdrawal.... Pot withdrawal has never killed anyone, one out of ten alchoholics die during treatment.

How about the fed saying its up to the state to decide, up until we decide wrong? Then they want to threaten all manner of nastiness until we agree with them. So who is deciding again?

The fed just doesn't want to look like the bad guy saying no, so they pretend to leave it to the state like all the touchy subjects. Then come down like a hammer when we the PEOPLE vote our choice.

Clearly they don't care about what we think so what would happen if people started acting like the fed or big corparations and just did what we wanted? Oh yeah prison!

Where are the founding fathers when you need them, maybe Guy Fawkes will help us.


  1. tax that grassy grass that sod
    relax it can make you a jobby jobby a job
    max cash crop like corn on the cobby cob
    it backs the mobby mobby that mob
    so whats the probby probby the prob
    lem with them the dem and republican men
    their profits they trying to defend
    in the end
    in the end
    whats the diff between 1 and ten
    0 (nothin)
