Sunday, July 8, 2012

What I do Redux

I have recently been told that a lot of you would like more information on what I do for a living and I'm not exactly sure on how I should go about doing that, I work on several different projects most of which are covered by NDA's so if there's something in particular people are interested in please post or comment or email me and I would love to answer your questions if I can. It seems because of my job a lot of people have been reading hoping to see more of what I do and less about what I think, I'm sorry if that's been a disappointment if you are expecting information on quantum mechanics and particle physics but I just can imagine that's really of interest to anybody. So most of my posts are based on what I'm currently thinking about or what I'm researching for school or basically what's going on in my life, if you really are curious about what I do at work let me know and I'll be more than happy to tell you if you're really interested in what I do at school I'll be more than happy to tell you, I just didn't think anybody would find that of any interest, thanks for your reading. And as an update I picked up my medications and I should be feeling better in a few days but that won't stop me from blogging so I will be posting, I hope you all continue to enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Feeling better, took the antibiotics and getting better, for those that want to reach me or always happy to chat with readers
