Wednesday, August 22, 2012

DVR, such a wonder

Its so amazing you can leave for a week, come home and there's all your shows you missed, I was watching earlier the show dark matters, from science network which documents cases where science crosses the line, or at least enters some morally ambiguous territory.  This week one of the three cases was the Stanford prison experiment which proved unequivocally we all have inherently evil tendencies and even good people chose silence through peer pressure, the conducter of the test, who himself ended up falling to the dark side, loosing site of the experiment, and had begun thinking like a warden now runs a program to help people learn to recognize sociale evils, and how to stand up against them.  It must be tough to discover your own inner darkness, me and mine have been on all to good terms for most of my life, leaving more wreakege in my life than I'd like to admit.  It's interesting to learn altruism is a mathematically provable biological process, for species survival, yet social situations can and must foster the worst of evils, Similer to Abu graihb which based on the lucifer effect was not only expected but could have been predicted, being a perfect storm for the effect to take hold, when identity has been stripped away and the individual minimized, and you have a group placed in total authority with out clear lines of behavior dictated for those in authority.  Anyway check it on there's a ton of stuff on it online, I know I've posted about it before.  It's kinda interesting to see the subject, which is kind of obscure on dark matters, anyway until next time, I'm going to go install the blueray to surprise my love, then I have a webinar I need to attend, so enjoy life, until next time....

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