Saturday, August 18, 2012

Message from the land of the lost : Les Mis

Well first greetings, time for an update into my most recent adventures, just a little FYI, over the last few yeas I've had the joy of having swine flu, my gall bladder trying to kill me, and now it looks preliminarily that I may have tested for avian flu antebodies, but I'm now slowly on the mend.

Lately though, being your average male who works from home, I'm happiest in comfy cloths in front of the tv, reading or typing away.  My other half likes to see this thing, "outside", frankly I'm not a fan, it seems scary and dangerous, but worse it lacks tv!  Why oh why would I go "outside"?

   Well as regularly checking in readers know, I do sorta love this lady, and like her happy.  So as our birthdays are close, I offered to goto San Francisco, about 100 miles away to see a broadway tour, les mis, doing its 25th anniversary tour.  (shooo, I love this show so that parts win/win).

It occurs to me we've been struggling with some kind of equal an accepting understanding with her family, agian faithful readers have heard some of the drama, but I haven't brought myself to tell that whole story, but I figured if we weren't going to go camping, why not offer to stay at her families house, well we're on the morning of day one, keep reading, it should be interesting.

   Now onto the good stuff, if your into broadway shows anyway.  Many people have asked what les mis is about leading into a four hour conversation, but last night I got it down, it's about a man who finds redemption, and then must struggle through life realizing what a gift and sacrafice living for others can be.  There are to many sub-plots to list,  first love, unrequited love, poverty, justice, change, redemption.  Just so much more.

   The show stated three times, due to lighting issues, I felt the cast was young, but I'm just getting old, but they were great.  They used a A/V scrim for shadows, and movies the actors played in, broadway is not what it once was, one of my favorite scenes, a haunting moment where our antagonist policemen struggles with his fixed views of right and wrong, compared to the actions of or redeemed protagonist leads to a great moment, thier usage of practical effects blended with the audio-visual was amazing.

In short removing family drama, kept at a minimum, considering tickets, and a multi-hour trip as captive audience, everything seemed to go fine after a point, the show was brilliant, my beautiful other half is happy, enjoyed it, maybe I can get her to do a review, I very much enjoyed the show.  Please see it, I doubt theres something there for everyone, though good company like many things can make a mediocre show good, and a good show great!

   Now the day begins at last, weekend with the in-laws, if you don't hear from me agian, watch the news, until then be well, and for you Avalon fans a new chapter is almost ready, and hopefully I'll have some images of things from the world, I've been working online with my friends, which will improve it immeasurably, those friends are also realizing how hard it is to post, but I have a list of at least three guests bloggers, who are working on projects, so thanks for your loyalty, much Love, until then, good morning, afternoon, or night wherever you are.

Update : We were at the back of b3 on a raised platform for the disabled, sometimes it does work for you, not being squeezed in like tuna with a real chair, and legroom to spare, while being able to wrap your arm around that other special person and disappear into the show. 

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