Sunday, June 10, 2012

Into the past or not?

Ok, today's subject; the past. What should I say, should I leave the dragon sleep in its not so comfortable slumber or should I passively go into what has been, and what I've learned from it? I don't know the answer to that question. I've been trying to determine what the point of this blog is? Is it for me, my own catharsis, maybe a cautionary tale to others for when they get to close to the fire? The story sounds much like Icarus refusing to listen to those wiser, and plunging to dangerous depths, and soaring to inebriated heights leading to his doom, the only difference, through no fault of my own I'm still here to tell the story. So we come full circle, what is this blog for, who? What should be said here, the only thing I've decided is the truth, as long as such truth hurts nobody else. Other than that the door is open to what can be spoken on. Yet we're still standing at the beginning? Where do I start here, now? You don't know me so why should anything I have to say hold importance or meaning, especially if you have no idea of the context the material is culled from? So you need to know at least some of the past to fully integrate the insanity of the present. Yet after a lifetime of selfishness and cruelty I'm not sure that fire is one I'm ready to place my hand in again, so maybe well stay in the semi-comfortable now, and discourse on the past as needed for the understanding of situational moments. In time maybe a concise bitter-sweet post about the basics of my past to give your an outline, a scaffold of the mind for you to assemble my messed up history upon. I'll leave you with this seed, I was never a nice person, I used what I needed and disposed of whomever or whatever it might have been, in fact I was probably better to things, people are replaceable right? Until there not and your left alone in the darkness with the monsters you've created.

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