Saturday, June 30, 2012

Scions of the Original 12 : Legacy

I'm not going to go all long and deep into this, it's more a relent point of fact, which needs to be understood. Genetics have been looking into a lot of area, and one strange thing that's appeared is the reality, which is scientifically proven, we are all related, looking at our mitochondrial DNA, the one passed on through our mothers shows were all related to a group of twelve individuals, that's it, 12. Every person on the planet is related through those twelve people, our ancestors, our forbears. We the scions of their legacy of exploration, and curiosity are linked, this is proven fact. So in the light of this truly terrifying reality don't we need to change the way we live our lives? This world is populated by our relatives. You are my brother, my sister, my uncle, my aunt, my niece, my nephew, however it works we're family, and the more we learn about genetics, and genealogy it's going to become even more clear. You know my genetic history said I was part Japanese, part northern African, probably Egyptian but I just got a brief they haven't finished the whole thing yet, I get regular updates as they continue to analyze the information stored on that qtip I rubbed on my cheek, guess what to my surprise, as I got into geneology on They were right I found documents gong back to Japan on my paternal grandfathers side of the family. You see I'm 50% Portuguese, turns out we were big in travel back in the day, and turns out my ancestors really did have a lady in every port. So who knows maybe someday I'll find out what's up with the north African, or the native American on my moms side of the family. All I know is to me this validates we really are all related, so why can't we act like it, let's have a family get together and celebrate, we can call it earth day.

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