Saturday, June 23, 2012

Woman in Hip Hop

Is it ok for woman to be singing songs exaggerating whips and chains, And no means yes and then are shocked when people get hurt? I am more than a little ambivalent when I see how women are not just portrayed, but portray themselves in some videos, it seems to me sending mixed signals about woman being strong but still just sex objects to be used and discarded, it could be said that a lot of these songs advocate violent sex acts with women regardless of what they want, seeming to imply its ok. I had the same problem with NWA advocating going out and killing police officers a few years ago. Understandably I am white, well half Portuguese but growing up I wasn't white enough to be white, and not minority enough to hang with them, so I can't understand what it means to be African-American today or any day, but as a human being I wouldn't want anyone doing to me much of what I hear in a lot of these songs, and can't imagine any woman would. The fact that women are now singing these songs, seemingly giving their validation to these acts scares me, some guys need little or no encouragment when it comes to sexual abuse or violence, can it be a good thing, idk, I guess I just wish people who have influence would use it in a positive way, and maybe this is just my lack of understanding the nuance of another culture instead of just looking like their selling sex appeal and male domination fantasies to make a quick buck, I hope it is just my ignorance, that I can change, if it's not, then it's a terrible thing to be selling out your mothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, and daughters for a few shillings.

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