Sunday, June 10, 2012

Research paper 1 media and social engineering

My areas of study : I'm researching and working on two doctorates, hopefully... This will deal in brief with the first, what I refer to as the social engineering of our modern society by a questionable media. Historically speaking media, the stories we were told by chieftains, shaman, elders, basically taught us about our world, and how to survive in it. These tales where held in trust as a very powerful form of control, but our continued existence was of no small import, and these wise people used these stories usually from their own experience or passed down to them by others who had at some point assessed their truth as well as possible. Now these stories or media are no longer paintings on a wall or metaphorical tales to explain the unknown, they tend towards agendas of groups of different beliefs. Yet still deeply ingrained in us is the willingness to accept with out question these tales without any fact-checking even though we live in the information age where the answer to any question is at hand in seconds for all but the most poverty stricken, or some of the most vulnerable, those who don't have the comfort level with this all pervasive new technology such as the elderly. Though that is not to say there are always the exemptions to the rule. Some of the most informative statements on the web are from those technically savvy elders who see the world and offer their views and critiques in blogs, Facebook, you tube and other social media outlets. Almost as if we're suffering from information overload, it's easier to just listen to a talking head agreeing with our belief of the world. Certainly it's far easier than researching and soul searching to discover our own beliefs based on the knowledge and facts we've collected ourselves. So my first research area is into this field, it's history, it's abuses as in racist propaganda, it's current uses and abuses, and ultimately how it has and may be used to change the very nature of our society. If these posts are irritating written my apologies, after the last few years it's how I'm used to writing.

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