Monday, June 11, 2012

What's the point?

Well I've been thinking what will I use this blog for again? Should I talk about family, my relationship, work, school, my health, I don't know, it seems like a pointless exercise in narcissism, who or why would anyone care what I'm blathering about on any given Monday? Is it relevant to anyone that our satellite system has had one issue after another, and not liking conflict I've been putting off calling them because it's always ugly. Should I go on about school and work when I don't understand a lot of it most of the time myself, going back to school was not anything like I thought it would be. When I was younger I couldn't give two spits about homework or grades, now I feel like I'm doing it for a reason, and if not everybody, some people have gone out on a very shaky limb for me, and believe in me when I don't believe in myself. That also leads into health, it's not good, and if the doctors beliefs are correct, getting proof is hard at the moment, not good, in fact distinctly bad, but this leaves you looking at your mortality, what you've done, left undone, people you've hurt, hell the people your still hurting because you don't know how to fix things, and the ever popular unfixable, my favorite, "excepting the things you cannot change, when everything inside you is screaming this is not how it should be". Anyway if I tend towards the philosophic or scientific forgive me, it's what I'm studying and a lot of my work revolves around both, since we're discussing relationships; lastly I have yet to figure how my fiancé plays into this little melodrama. Should I discuss her at all? The answer must be a resounding yes if this is to be an honest dialogue between me myself, and the unity around me. {P. S. that's you oh faithful reader who may or may not see this.} My plans originally were to try to explain my second dissertation and will still do so, but I've said enough for the moment. Time for school and work, lol I've used my fun time for personal reading, writing this, now it's time for the real world to return, so good bye for now, well see if the next post will follow the plan and be about school, or will it try to explain the beautiful wondrous quagmire that is my relationship, maybe it will be some pointless bleating about my spiritual struggles, trying to figure out how to reconcile my beliefs with what I know, and what I've experienced, who knows, guess I'll find out when you do, see you around the bend.

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