Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Tale of Ism's

Ism's, racism, sexism, ageism, elitism, classism and all the rest. Always it's us versus them, fear of the other, but why? Why is unity so hard to come by, so often I hear people say, I believe people at heart are really good. If we're really good why can't we accept each other, choice, the heart of each of us is choice, do we choose unity or ourselves? Some of these I think are easier to understand than others. When your a product of wealth, old or new, you tend to grow up in a very enclavish enviorment. I recently watched an episode of Bristol pallins show and hearing her say she'd never heard of skid row, watched her use every means of manipulation to coerce her sister, even calling mommy, who said bassicly woman up and tell her you need her, which wasn't recieved well so she hung up on mommy. Listening to her talk about mansions and Mercedes was just sickening when you contrast that with her obscene ignorance. Education, basic education doesn't seem to be a high priority in the pallin household, though I'm not speaking about her politics at all. I can understand the enviormental education of class, wealth, and opportunity, but it's wasted without the education to use it. Yet the educated seem to believe they are better because they had that opportunity to learn, but here I'm going to make a strange comparison, marriage, you commit to live your life with another person, what's a piece of paper really mean in that agreement? Their in fact is none, it changes nothing inside the relationship, unless you let it. So education, if I study and read every text book my fiancé has, in actuality I read more material about her graduate field than she did, just as I read all the forensics, anthropology, criminalistics, and Mayan history and mythology of my ex. When she had papers, tests, or homework she'd come to me, I'd already read her whole text book, she read the assigned texts. She got a degree, I got the knowledge, but who knows more about forensic anthropology and criminology? I do. Not only did I read her text books but I got interested and read other books, not required by class but suggested reading, which had information from other books, so I'd use the bibliography to find and read those books. Over the years I've been fascinated by any number of fields which I studied just as voraciously, so whose education matters? The person with the paper! Whose marriage is legel, the one with the paper. Guess what though, say we have our commitment ceremony, we sign medical and durable power of attorneys, she changes her name, now what? In everything but name only were married, and by the definition in the dictionary we are married, even without the name change or legel papers! I'm drifting off topic though, I can understand some of these, even if I don't agree, but sexism, or racism, ageism? These make no sense at all, every race, sex, age, religion or level of education or intellect are all just surface differences each with their liabilities and gifts, take them away and we still have the same situation, diffrent people with strengths and weakness's. Truly we need to learn that it's not the differences which are only skin deep, but the things which make us the same, which go bone that end up being important, I am another yourself. Think about that next time you cross the street, or you look with pity or outrage at the homeless, the next time you hear men are cheating pigs, and woman are prude ice queens, or loose and disposable, none of these things or any of the rest are true, their just part of judging the world through the cyclopian eye of the ism.

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