Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ripped muscles and shredded abs

Omg I am so tired of commercials about getting in shape using this diet or this device, come on if any of these things really worked every doctor, every news network would be all over this, if you want to get in shape and lose weight it's a very simple formula eat less and move more, it helps if you eat smarter and move smarter but really come on obesity is so prolific in this country and we spend so much on these products only to be disappointed, weight loss has the same cure rate as drug and Alchehol dependence 30%, if you want to change and live life diffrent you can, make better and yes harder choices but if your willing to put in the time and the work you can change. Everything from manufacturing to life changes involves something like the fire pyramid, you need two of the three points, time, money, or quality. If you want speed and quality it's going to cost money, if you want to save money you can you have to sacrafice quality or speed. So choose your points of importance and move ahead, a leopard can change its spots, it just takes effort, just my rant on a subject that makes me crazy.

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