Friday, June 15, 2012

Marriage what is it really

Main Entry: mar·riage Pronunciation: \ˈmer-ij, ˈma-rij\Function: nounEtymology: Middle English mariage, from Anglo-French, from marier to marryDate: 14th century1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage b : the mutual relation of married persons : wedlock c : the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage2 : an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities3 : an intimate or close union Now my interest is very selfish in looking at this because my fiancé have put alot of heart and soul into this question, what does the government or a organized religion we don't practice have to do with us making a commitment to live and be together, in a monogamy based life long commitment, shouldn't this be a choice between us and any god we might believe in? As much as I respect their right to choose do I care what Muslims or Allah feels about how I choose to live my life? No, I'm not Muslim so why would I find it important to get the ok from any other religious group, I don't live with them either. Now let's look at my uncle sam, hey my family approves, even goes so far as to imply I'm a better person because of her, so what do I care what my crazy uncle cares, why do I need his validation? Hell the soldiers fighting right now have more right to input on how I choose to live my life than a bunch of old close minded hypocrites who are more concerned with lining their pockets and cramming their ideas and agendas down my throat by force if needed because somehow they know what's best for me. I'm a thinker not a feeler so maybe my views on this are skewed but say we get together with our friends and loved ones, have a commitment of life ceremony and a big party that's not ok but we can go down to the court say the same thing in front of people who don't give two s&$@ then sleep with anyone we want, hey all good, you signed the dotted line right? Why is love rendered so meaningless in a relationship centered on love. Maybe if the government and big religion kept its nose out of my bank and bedroom because honestly that's really what there wound up about more marriages would last! IDK time I guess will tell, but to me this is different than getting a drivers license, it seems to me in the end is about us, our feelings, our choices, our lives and should be between us and whatever god we believe in, and gasp if we didn't believe in god? (we do not that it matters to anyone else, and I think probably their are bigger things on the mind if the divine than two people choice to commit), but if we didn't then again its a choice between two people who are consenting adults who love and cherish each other and desire to spend the rest of time together thats on us to find a way to do right?

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