Thursday, June 28, 2012

Will apple really pull the plug

Apple, the sources of rumors year after year, well this year one of the rumors is apple it's changing its charge port. Why? They've used the same port since the beggining of their modern era of windows-like operation, success after the switched business models from the free thinking, very much open system to the very much Microsoft like closed loop proprietary system coming out with a new clone every year, leading to their current success. The one thing remaining constant is how you charged your device, iPod, iPad, iPhone, nano, Ect. You name it, we all charged with the same cord, it became a standard, so no matter what apple product you got, or who you might be visiting I can use my friends iPhone charger for my apple gear, I can visit the in-laws and charge my iPad, iPhone or iPod with her nano charger, but boom, apple now wants to change the charger, why? What real reason could make this feasible? Instantly all the accessories, the speaker adapters, the clock radios, television adapters, power cables will all be useless, fodder for the garbage pile, why? All I can say is apple, please think twice about this, it's not reasonable, it's my honest opinion you will loose more customers than you could ever gain, the competition has caught up, and quickly moving to take the lead, and you make a statement that were just a commodity, we the apple users have your back, please don't sacrafice us, and yourself, that amazing company so ahead of its time with newtons and digital cameras before anyone, while today every household has some form of PDA, usually several, and digital cameras everywhere. The Wozniak, and Steve Jobs era have left a legacy for an amazing company don't try so hard to win, you become the dark side, it's a slippery slope, and your current company model is so close to that of windows, you may win, but at what cost, the soul of the apple founders, and our long term faith? I can just hope for once it's just a rumor!

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