Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Movie Soundtracks

Movie soundtracks, great for a movie, I've been educated that there's a really important reason for soundtracks, my love, a theater major graduate and one of my best friends a film grad have explained sound tracks do two major things one they can be traced back to at least to Greek theater where they where called a chorus, first they give us a background of the world/enviorment where watching and they represent our (the viewers) thoughts and feelings, cueing us on how to feel and think about what where seeing, and preparing for what is coming, think about jaws or Halloween and replace that heartbeat syncopated rhythm with a jazzy uptempo music and a tense moment becomes amusing, even funny, strangely though it's musical construct has strange effects like discordant off-tone keys instead of chords makes us feel uncomfortable, and it's what made the original chain saw massacre so terrifying, it had no soundtrack, possibly the first of its kind. We had no sub-Liminal cues on what to base our feelings, just screams, chainsaws, and roaring cars, mixed with the raw lonely empty sounds of nature, this created panic in many people. That being said what makes a good soundtrack to listen to? I have and listen to regularly the soundtracks to the lord of the rings, Harry potter, avatar and tron are two favorites, and avengers is growing on me. So why do we listen to movie soundtracks, to remind us of those moments in the movie? Similer moments in our lives, or do we attach our own meanings to the music? Just something to think about next time your watching a movie, that soundtrack was carefully crafted and blended to have an effect, if it's a movie, a TV series, or whatever. So listen carefully to the music next time you watch a movie and hear that sweeping up tilt in the music as Harry rides the flying griffon the first time, and the music rises in a hallelujah moment as he sweeps down and it's claw touches the water and enjoy, someone took a lot of time to create that moment which most people will never notice overtly. So which soundtracks do you listen to, I love queen of the damned with its great songs as much as animatrix with its great techno driven beats, what do you like and why? What do these albums mean to you?

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