Saturday, July 14, 2012

As to the Avalon chronicles

I'm really sorry for those who've enjoyed them, I'm working on putting the world together, I don't know how many of you are interested in the process, but I'm doing this very differently than a normal story is written, I don't have a story, or an arc, just a world, and each installment is written adlib, so I am living the story right along with you, so I appreciate your patience, but when I put out a chapter I want it to be enjoyable, to do that I need to know the characters, the ship, the science, and philosophy of the world, so that it's real for you guys. Honestly, me too. I'm my own worst critic, and was going to pull the first chapter, right before I got several emails about it. Literally I was looking at it trying to decide if my honesty clause meant I had to leave it, which usually once a daft is started, it will be posted. Agian thanks for your patience, I'm working on the realities of the Avalon world, and have asked a few friends to help with certain design elements, which I think you'll enjoy reading about, and personally I'm really looking forward to the images of the Avalon itself, for now the ship looks something like the defiant in DS9, you'll see why in the upcoming chapters I guess, because coming soon, to a blog near you, Jandi, will meet with her alien "captors", it should be interesting.

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