Friday, July 20, 2012

Intense Saturation Coverage

Do not start the news with sirens,
do not show pictures of the killer,
do not start off with a body count,
do not make the killer a anti-hero,
make the story as boring as possible, outside the immediate community.

These are the words, from memory, not a quote by a forensic psychologist explaining how we are making these people take the next step from loner to killer. Why is it police can only do something after your dead, after you've killed yourself, others? There are usually huge warning signs and red flags if people cared to stop and look. We're so used to leaving the letter on the ground rather than picking it up and putting it in the mailbox, and increasingly if no ones looking, more of us are willing to take the letter completely,
to me it seems this goes to the heart of society, and the social contract. To often I believe we have started feeling as if the contract isn't protecting me why should I be the only one following it?

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