Monday, July 9, 2012

Reality unseen before us, and those who see it clearly

I read a story once about an Aztec peasant who stood on a mountain top and looked out over the ocean, seeing some dark stormy clouds he wondered if the gods might be angry and sent a young boy to fetch one of their priests, the priest came and what he saw where the Spanish ships filled with conquistadors, now the trick here is why was it that the peasants looking at the same water could not see the ships in that same ocean which the priest could clearly see? The short answer is because what he was seeing was outside his field of understanding. Our minds are wired in very strange ways. if we've been wired in a certain way and we've been taught that somethings cannot be then we simply won't see them because our minds can't accept that they're there but any of the shaman who had been trained to see what cannot be seen could clearly see what was right in front of both of them. Through quantum mechanics we are beginning to understand that there is more and less to reality than we ever thought possible. Strangely enough it is a complete fact that our eyes and ears are tuned to see and hear a very limited range of the spectrum, we cannot see into the ultraviolet spectrum and there are ranges above and below our hearing that sounds exist. So clearly there are things out there that exist beyond our ability to observe them. Only with special machines are we able to begin to discern the reality around us. The problem is a machine must be built by us, we have to design them to be able to measure these different things, if we don't know to look for them we can't design a machine to look for them. So like the Aztec peasant, we are limited in our ability to view the reality in which we live, only the "shaman" can see reality for what reality is and when's the last time you saw a shaman? Luckily science is beginning to see beyond the boundaries of what we believe where there, sadly the scientists don't get the big budgets that the military scientists do but there's always been more money in destroying things than there has in creating things. In all fairness as I go down the list of subject titles for the posts that I've been working on over the last few days I realize I'm probably going to have to revisit these, there's no way I can do them in one part, they're just too too long and too deep to do simply. In the briefest sense if you find the stuff that I talk about interesting please watch through the wormhole with Morgan Freeman, this show covers so many different subjects from so many different angles you will never look at reality or time/space in the same way again I promise you that, in fact you will probably never look at yourself in the mirror again the same way, thanks for now, be well.


  1. Just an afterthought, if you watch through the wormhole, you'll have a good idea dealing with what I do at work, I will also know your familier with what I can talk about, that isn't classified in some way. If the shamen/peasant story wasn't clear let me know, I'll try to revisit it and explain my thoughts better, it seems clunky to me.

  2. link please, thank you


    Hope this works interesting how didrentky
