Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Reality TV

Over-all we've had quite a few years of reality TV going back to MTV's real world probably even going further back than that, and now we live in a world where television is predominately reality television, no trained actors, no story line, no story arc. So what are we watching it for. I think most of us are watching it waiting for the train wreck which inevitably is going to happen at some point. When that person pulls a knife and stabs somebody or some other version of complete and total insanity occurs. Have we had enough years of this reality TV to decide whether it's overall a positive or negative influence, or even something we really want to watch.

With Snooky and the Cardassians(this is what spell check put in and I figure I'm going to leave it I think you all know who I'm talking about and this word seems to fit them just as well as their real name), and the now the Palins and I could go on and on and on repeating more names and more shows based on a thousand other atrocities but is it something we really want to watch ourselves or our children to watch? What are the shows really bringing to the table?

I ask this because recently being sick I've had the opportunity to watch some of the new season of big brother. Now not only do they have big brother on television several nights a week on the regular network, not only do they have the live feeds that you can pay for 24/seven but they also have a three hour slot on Showtime every night that is completely unedited. Now on the network version it's pretty tame they cut out a lot of the troubling stuff. Yet the showtime version being unedited leaves in some pretty morally reprehensible conversation that doesn't really make anybody in the house very likable, if what little I've seen in that three hour slot is part of what goes on when they forget people are watching during the live feeds I'm not sure I'd like any of these people very much. You see they announced to the houseguests when Showtime is about to start and when it's about to end so during that three hours they are fully aware that they are being watched by the Showtime viewers. So they try very hard to be on their best behavior and only say things that won't attract any negative attention. Yet still sometimes some very very nasty things sneak into the conversation.

I know where in the time of recession and nobody has a lot of money but I don't think Hollywood is really hurting for financing and yet they're still choosing this reality format over putting up something that is really a good product and to me it seems like we really should be making a stand in saying we want more, we expect more. We pay a lot of money for satellites, cable, whatever media you happen to get your television in. I've said it in prior posts why is it that the good shows that maybe cost a little more never make it past their first season, or get dumbed down so that they can make it there full length? I'm really tired of seeing some great shows go off the air regardless of the outcry of the people and the fans of those shows without any comment from the people making it. While they slap up another garbage reality show to take its place. Anyway just my thoughts on something that's really not that important with everything else that's going on in the world.

1 comment:

  1. well if what is showing on Lifes a tripp with bristol palin and tripp johnston completely approved by sarah palin is real, life is sad. on the last show he just called his aunt a , fa44et. little kids do not know any words that they have not heard. i guess this kid has heard that word alot. he said i hate you you fa44et so he used it right, he knew what he was saying and they let it go on the air and bleeped a three year old kid. is he three, he talks pretty good for a three year old.
