Sunday, July 15, 2012

Vote or Die b!+ۥ

Why after all this is over, all the vitriol and the voting all the politicking is done and some loser has one, they'll say let's put all of this anger and division away in the past and get together and start getting things done. Is this only true if the right wins? Either way we in the middle, the middle class will be left as the wage slaves serving the gods chosen people, the divine 1%..... In the end Bush ran on the premise of smaller government I'm created division of Homeland security but agency that is already covered by the FBI, the CIA, the ETF and several others and yet Obama wants to create healthcare for everyone and nobody can agree on that. Why is it that I have to pay for a military network I completely disagree with, but they don't have to pay for health care. When ultimately they can afford to pay for whatever they want to, and I can afford neither this larger government nor full health care? For those of you who don't recognize the title it was a theme from an episode of South Park, basically stating that throughout your life you're always going to have a choice between two bad choices and all you can do is select the lesser of two evils, this is in fact part of the failings of the two-party system, but in that South Park episode what was sort of a sad truism in this case is very true about for the wrong person very well could lead to the death of somebody you love very much. And I don't know this for a fact but I believe it to be true if we will the wrong person in the office it's going to severely damage our relations with other countries I do not think Romney will be received well by other countries whereas I think Obama has already created bridges and relationships with many government leaders.

1 comment:

  1. Your point was just proven by romneys recent trip over seas.
