Tuesday, July 17, 2012

UFO's what's up with that

Recently I've noticed some posts diffrent from my norm, and I'm really loath to even mention this, but in all honesty I've said I was going to be honest, after merpeople, Bigfoot, and all else, why not right?  I've seen what I can only say was a UFO, I had it on 8mm and have shown it to a few people, and wish I could find it today I'd love to put it up on you tube, but here's the story...one night I was out standing on the porch around may sometime, when I saw a really bright star, as I looked at it I noticed it was twinkling in a weird way, like red/blue flashes.  I figured it was a star or a Satellite, maybe a plane. But it didn't move, so I got my digital camera and tried to zoom in, I couldn't focus while zooming in, and holding the camera, so I found the tripod, and used the remote to focus in and zoom, suddenly out of the fog appears this amorphous cloud of changing colors, colors I can't give names too, colors I have never seen before or since.  I showed it to a friend who said it was just the aurora shining on a geosynchronous orbit, IDK, it was crazy. I'm not going to say I saw an alien craft or anything like that, but I will say I saw something. And I'll admit I still look up at the sky looking for the star that twinkles in multiple colors, because I'd like another shot to record it with my new digital camera, or my very expensive telescope. I'd like to see those colors agian, watching it for almost an hour before it disappeared wasn't enough.

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