Monday, July 23, 2012

Cosmetic surgery and moral choices

Are you morally obligated to divulge to your significant other that you've had cosmetic surgery. It seems to me that if you gotten into a relationship with somebody and are planning on having children with them it might seem justifiable that you mention that you had cosmetic surgery.

What if you had facial alterations or a chin implant to alter your features and you don't mention it and your children are born with the same feature that you changed, you'd imagine your spouse is going to wonder where this feature came from. At what point does disclosing your personal choice to have cosmetic surgery become the subject of your partner?

Obviously morality and the social contract are of great interest to me. I can't help wondering what, why, where, and how were these decisions made and based on what premises? Morality seems at least in some senses such an open discourse. Predominantly cultural and traditional. The fact that we live in an age where technology is making so many questions of moral implications such a great arena of discussion it becomes an even more relevant avenue of discussion and decisions.

Do governments have the right to monitor our digital communications in their attempts to slow crime or stop terrorism? Is privacy something guaranteed by the Constitution. Do corporations have the right to use us as a commodity because we're using a free service their supply?

Should surgeons do cosmetic surgeries that are unnecessary simply because a person is seeking to create a certain bodily image? Even if while seeking to create that image becomes potentially deadly to the person being operated on? I'm not sure if this question is even appropriate being asked by a man, but what if a woman chooses to have a breast augmentation, and then has a daughter who grows up seeing her mother with large voluptuous breasts and doesn't understand why she doesn't have those same anatomical features. To my knowledge no studies it ever been done on this but from what I have studied about children growing up observing their parents it seems to me it could only be damaging to their own self-image. Just a few thoughts from the Darkside.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha talkin about the dark side. Have you seen the new pictures of sarah palin and her new boobs. Silly sarah they look bigger then her head.

    Sorry I tried to copy and paste, could not but they are the ones of her in LA with the monkey
