Friday, July 13, 2012


Does the palin family want to become the next family of dingbat spoiled girls preaching a terrible message of wealth, privilege, beauty double standards, and use of the media for thier own profit? Todd now featured in a reality show celebity's get thier stripes where celebrities are teemed up with actual people in the Armed Forces and then compete against each other to win prizes for charity, if I understand correctly, then Bristols show which from the commercials look rediculous and she comes off as ignorant as the rest of her family, sans willow, who seems to sometimes be a decent person, I'm not watching any if thier shows, nor did I watch Sara's Alaska, last I heard the state was part of the union, no thanks to her, I don't know how far she thinks they would get with out federal money, which comes from a few select states. California would not be in the shape it is if so much money wasn't going to the Fed. I've heard speaking negatively about this family gets you on a hit list, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm just pointing out some thoughts, I'm choosing not to watch, and I'm thankful for DVR so I don't have to even watch the commercials, I'm done with watching validated child abuse.

1 comment:

  1. you can ask sarah and todd palin about Shailey Tripps book " boys will be boys".
