Thursday, July 12, 2012

Toddlers are not second chances update 1.0

First and foremost I plan to revisit this at a later time when I have a clear head. But my basic thought is what happened to these shows like toddlers and tiaras, dance mothers, and similar show. When you admit that you are living your life through your child how can you make that okay, openly and clearly stating that you're hurting your child for no good reason? When I watch some of the things that occur in the shows, I cannot understand how these parents are not having their children taken away. So that's all i'm going to say, I'll leave you with those thoughts and I will revisit this when I'm in a better state of mind thanks and be well. Here's a new one, cheer moms, you notice all of these are programs not classed as sports, so there not under any of the protections and safety laws of sports groups, it's really frustrating watching these kids being given mountain dew and pixie sticks, it's horrible, watching these toddlers cry because they didn't win the puppy, or they made mommy cry, kids are not toys or dolls, some day they will be deciding our future, what are they learning, how can a parent believe fear equals respect?

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