Monday, July 16, 2012

Quantum Jumping, new age scam?

I'am not unfamiliar with many of the new age techniques that have been floating around since its inception. As a past occultist I find many of the methods used by the new age movement as far older, having been a part of eastern religions, and occultists, as well as many Judeo-Christian religions. I know its not popular with many but cabala is a jewish magick nearly all forms of occult study is based on. Ancient jewish magick, adopted and altered by Christians, gnostics, medieval occultists, and in many ways the base, however redesigned of modern occult styles. The only new system of majick is chaos magick, which is based on many things, but this will be talked about in another post, because it is interesting, to me anyway. Many people would find it strange that meditation reincarnation were once part of the Christian faith, but careful research will show it clearly. Magick is not the topic, nor Wicca, nor even new age methodology, purely. Meditation, visualization and similar methods of mental technology have been used to meet, and explore the mental and spiritual realms. I thought I had seen it all, yet a new name, anyway has appeared floating around the web. Now i'm not going to say positive affirmations, and visualizations can't be a helpful method for an assortment of things, but quantum jumping is based on the multiple worlds theory of physics. positing that for every decision made a new world comes into existence where another you does something else. Quantum jumping states you can send your mind out into these other worlds, meet these other you's and learn from them, and acquire thier skills. You visualize a doorway leading to a world where your a rock-star, a great public speaker, a painter, whatever. Passing through the door you visualize yourself in this new world, calling this other self to you, then speak and learn from these other yous. Even merging your energies gaining thier skills, memories, Ect. This is stored in your sub-conscious where you can tap into it. There are a lot of people who swear by this, a small few call it a scam. I have used visualizations many times even as a catholic, on the scenes of the cross, and had profound experiences. Could I have merged energies and become Christ, well yes according to some jumpers. You can visualize not only other selves, but angels, and spirit guides, animal totems, even gods and saints. All based on your spiritual leanings. I'm just beginning my research into this, so I will be updating this, but I'm interested in others thoughts.

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