Monday, July 9, 2012

The movie the dictator Borat and Sasha Cohen

I'm going to preface this by saying I have not yet seen the dictator and probably won't. I'm not really wanted to say if Sasha Cohen is a good actor or not in a few movies such as Sweeney Todd he was very good, but in most of his movies I find the things he does seems purely for shock value, and it's not like he's Howard Stern or Johnny Knoxville it's not good shocks, it seems to be shocks just to see how he can play on people's racism for a laugh. I find much of what he does very infantile and tends towards deprecating humanity as a whole. Now from what I understand the intent behind Borat, was to play a role to see if peoples racism would show if they didn't know they were being observed, as interesting a project as that might be I'm still not sure it makes for a good movie. Now we have the dictator which seems to me surprisingly disturbing considering what's going on in the world today, who would let him make this movie I mean it was made a long time ago in one form or another, I know Eddie Murphy played a very similar role if not with it's disturbing undertones along time ago. And then you take into consideration his real life antics, throwing ash on Ryan Seacrest on the red carpet is just a disgustingly deplorable action. If the man can't tell the difference between himself and his character, movies and real life, then we have a bigger problem than just an actor making bad movies. Now admittedly I am not a comedy person and if you're a long time reader of my blog you know that, so maybe the failure lies with me maybe I just simply don't understand this form of comedy, but I love Russell Brand who seems to very often take a very similar stance on comedy to me anyway, and I hope nobody takes offense by that, I simply mean that they both like to use offense and our own perceptions to find comedy therein and to enlighten us along the way. Just some quick thoughts on the subject I will probably revisit this later probably after I actually watch the movie so I don't feel like such a hypocrite until then onto the next post.

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