Thursday, July 19, 2012

Migraines the unholy

I don't know how many people out there have migraines, but they are in so many ways, just indescribable, honestly, people call it a headache, but
it's really so much more, if it's bad enough you just want to die, I once partially joked how a migraine felt like the hangover that finely killed you. From long years of suffering with these things I've learned there's little to be done but lay down somewhere dark, cool, and quite. Not easy where I love during the summer. Normally if I catch it early I can use meds and bio-feedback. Which means noticing little visual changes, and flashes of light. Mild nausea and a change in hearing and taste. Though you don't always get these cues, sometimes you just suddenly notice this pain behind an eye, which spreads until it engulfs the whole side of your brain. Soon you will be wanting to gouge your eye out to release the pressure. Now today I'm still suffering but the migraines gone,it was a bad night, and probably the next few days will be a joy, my senses will be painfully heightened, and anything from the wrong sound, light or temperature will bring it back with a vengeance. My week will be hidden away in a bedroom, but what amazes me is no one really knows what or why they occur. Neurological, biological, diet, even geology all seem to have some part in them. So like the flu or many cancers, there are so many poly variant potentials it all comes down to guess work, they just know in everyday function they are totally different from a stress headache, or cluster headache. I've talked to a lot of people over the years during treatment, they didn't even know i had migraines until '92 when I had a double migraine, a rare phenomenon, and I was trying to gouge my eyes out, I needed to be strapped down. So far now I'll leave you with these thoughts.

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