Friday, July 13, 2012

A new look at goose liver!

I know in past posts I've joked about tortured goose liver, but really doesn't the state of California have more important things to worry about then what we are eating? I mean you really we have unemployment we have healthcare we have streets, gas lines, waterlines, you name it it's falling apart. Traffic congestion, pollution, air quality, freaking earthquake preparedness, I could probably go on forever on things the state really should be worrying about like most of our big businesses moving either out of state or out of the country entirely. and yet what do we find our beautiful state of California worrying about breed banns and fois gras, REALLY? Our tax dollars going to enforce a law that restaurants are not allowed to serve a delicacy. Obviously I'm not pro-animal cruelty I think it's atrocious and I think there are better ways of creating the same delicacy with out the abusive behavior, there are similar situations with veal where they have a type of veal called rosé which is basically a cruelty free meat. So I'm not going to get on the soapbox and stay there forever I'm just going to leave you with that question doesn't the state of California doesn't the nation of the United States have bigger issues then something like this.

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