Thursday, July 26, 2012

Exile prologue

This archival write-up on object A.E.51, item labeled 075 lab 26 Site N, defines the history of this crystal found at archaeological site AE51, believed to be an alien crash site.

Its inquiry has been handled by geology specialists, analysts, mineralogy, mechanics, engineers, of every sort, even a futurist, as well as several other compartmental departments, see Archive Beta For the complete list.

During a laser infraction test by one of the geologists, a “visitor” friend with I.C.E. level clearances, possessing a linguistic aptitude pointed out an anomaly. Imprinted within the crystal were layers of dots, which when assembled correctly would form the base of a language. The problem he said would be to find the key-stone, or means of activating the device.

After many futile tests the crystal sat useless upon a shelf in a secured storage center for several years, until a young Xeno-linguistic astrophysics student somehow through the freedom of information act discovered its existence. After several months of study he made an intuitive leap that would change the course of our races destiny.

Somehow he matched up the three points of Orion, Arcturus-anteres, and the Sirius star systems as the key points where the light sources aimed from those singular key point would create some image, of what he later confessed did not know, nor do I think he cared.

This being the kind of thinking that makes scientists dangerous in general. In a meeting he revealed his discovery. Setting the crystal on a central dais, while activating a red laser placed at the galactic point of Orion, suddenly the room was covered with prismatic dots, he then placed another red laser in the A./A. spatial point, and when activated created another barrage of dots, though not nearly so shimmering. He placed the last red laser in its point in the spatial loci of Sirius, the Dog Star, and more dots did appear, but it was now almost all blacked out.

“As you can see sirs, the lasers are the trick, it took me a while to understand the configuration”, Laughing to himself, “but it hit me eventually. We are just learning about lasers, but what might this speci have known?” “So I tracked down a blue laser, and placed it in the A.A. Loci, and surprisingly this happened”.

Switching out the red laser and replacing it with the blue was amazing indeed. It was stunning, the dim dots began to merge and morph into something else, brightening, becoming something beautiful yet incomplete.
The specialist continued “as you can see we were getting closer to the solution to the equation”, removing the last red laser and installing a new cutting edge top of the line green laser, “I ‘borrowed’ from the military, and.. 'places people the show is about to begin'”, he chuckled.

The room was absolutely silent as he switched on the green laser, for there before our very eyes shown like some kind of intricate scintillating hologram,
strange shapes and letters, words, morphing in color and texture, layers deep. Truly beautiful and terrible to behold but our young doctor had succeeded in discovering the hidden language deep within the crystal.

He has since made it his mission in life to translate this body of work, whatever it might contain. We have yet to discover if he will uncover the means of operating this device, much less will be able to complete the actual translations. It is unknown at this time if it is a danger to our planet or something as simple as an innocent journal. All translations will continue to be sent on to you at the TOWER for investigation and analysis. When or if it becomes necessary, the translators can disappear at any time.

For now we wait, and prepare for any eventuality as you have directed. This is what has been translated so far. We seem to receive three to five pages a week depending on the complexity of the script, and the capability of the

There seems to be a component that makes it impossible for some individuals to use the device, nor see anything of meaning in the language, which when functioning at its highest level seems to implant images and feelings, almost complete memories into the operators minds, giving them the impression they had truly been there and experienced the region of text they were exploring.
We have, through extensive testing discerned there is a genetic anomaly within those with the deepest level of control. We feel that we must at once begin testing as many people as possible as widely as possible, and those that have the capacity for top secret clearances re-assigned to this project, those not capable of maintaining clearances should be watched closely. We just do not know what that X factor might mean.

Possibly we should even “draft” those individuals not capable of passing the screenings, and put them to work anyway, just to see the alternate version they may arrive at. The waste of such knowledge as might be gained especially when we have absolute control over where and when they go makes them perfect test subjects to see what the hologram does to different personality types. As per A.E.51 op420 regulations our translators are both working together at all times, they have been armed and “have been warned of their partners oncoming insanity having worked so closely with what could be alien technology” Thus the program itself is in no jeopardy on any front.

Synergistic dating places the age of this crystal as pre-dating the earth or mars. In fact we have found no means of reliably dating it at all.

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