Monday, July 9, 2012

Psychics and the truth

Psychics, are they real, some of our greatest scientists have said that for quantum mechanics to exist there must be a thing called fuzzy action at a distance which makes things like telepathy and other so-called extra sensory perceptions necessary for this standard model to exist. Now don't get me wrong I completely believe that some form of telepathy exists I believe in the collective unconscious I believe in morphogenic fields that surround the planet, which scientist basically have proven exist. I believe we may be able to hook up mind to mind. Everybody in the world has gifts, some people can listen to a piece of music wants and be able to play it perfectly, others can paint pictures, others can intuitively understand science or math or music and it all comes naturally because they were born with those gifts who's to say that there are people out there who possess the ability to change the channel of their minds until they match the same channel your on. You are on channel 3, I am on channel 5, but I have the ability to change channels so I can switch from Channel 5 to channel 3 and watch what you're watching, is that so impossible to believe, I find it hard to believe it's not possible. when you take into consideration things like déjà vu, the ability to know when you're being watched, it seems to me that the powers of the human mind are just beginning to be understood. Seeing as we're just beginning to understand science in its truest form how limited is our understanding of reality, heck we can't even define reality with any kind of certainty so we're back to psychics again. why is it when I see people on television who are talking to dead people passing on messages it makes me crazy. This can't be telepathy this can't be true psychic potential, this can only be some kind of card game so why does it frustrate me so much. As I've worked on my thesis I've noticed there is a thread going through both of them actually and that seems to be a deep and abiding interest in telepathy and what the morals which go along with that are. How does telepathy change the social contract? Now just speaking hypothetically what if there were people out there who possessed these kinds of mental gifts and what if they were completely terrified to come forward because of the response people would have towards them. If we can't understand and accept people of the same sex loving each other how are people going to react to someone who can sift through the thoughts inside their head. Now for the record from looking at the thoughts in my own head I'm sure they wouldn't be looking for anything very entertaining, I know I'm not thinking anything that anybody else would really want to be sorting through, I'm sure there's better uses of their time. Not to make it sound dismissive to what a member of the LGBT community goes through but if you think about it, if it's such a struggle for somebody like that to come out of the closet how much harder would it be for someone who possessed the power over another person have, not only would they be completely misunderstood but most people would be afraid of them, so why would they even think to come forward? For the record I would really rather accept the scientific test of quantum dynamics then I would the military test of remote viewing, the government really is not very adept at testing the subtle. So I guess looking at the length of this, for something that was supposed to be kind of simple it's actually a much deeper thought process than I had intended. So the questions that I guess I'm going to have to come back to think on deeper is what if these people do exist? What can we do to make the world safe for them to come forward so that we can understand what they're capable of? And if they come forward and it is proven scientifically and we can study them what does that say about the psychics who are running around talking to the dead passing on messages from grandma or are they just another group of smug people using our own guilt and pain to play on our feelings for money? I'm going to leave you with this final thought on the subject, what if, just what if some person like this existed and they came out before 9/11 and said what was going to happen and they were written off as cranks. Yet if we could listen to them and excepted telepathy as a true thing maybe that event could have been avoided. Maybe that's just wish fulfillment on my part but I leave you with the what if?

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